André Beteille

André Beteille ya iku salah siji ahli Antropologi lan Sosiologi kalahiran ing Kalkuta, Indhi taun 1935[1]. Beteille olèh pendhidhikan antropologi saka Presidency College, Calcutta (sarjana BA) lan doktor (Ph.D) ing Delhi School of Economics[2]. Panlitian lapangan antropologi kang wis dilakoni ya iku ing Kerala, Tamil Nadu, India kidul[3][4]. Dhéwéké wis akéh nulis werna-werna karya tulis, antarané kang wis diterbité iku Caste, Class and Power; Changing Patterns in a Tanjore village (1965), The Idea of Natural Inequality and Other Essays (1983), Society and Politics in India, Essays in Comparative Perspective (1991), lan Antinomies of Society: Essays on Ideologies and Institutions (2000)[1]. Amarga Beteille tansah nglakoni panlitian ing wewengkon India, dhèwèké dadi fokus ing bab bebrayan India, khususé ing pulitik, stratifikasi sosial, lan hak-hak sipil[1][2]. Beteille dadi sawiji antropolog kang nganut tradisi antropologi ortodoks Inggris kang tokohé iku Radcliffe-Brown[1].

Rujukan besut

  1. a b c d Amit, Vered (2004). Biographical dictionary of social and cultural anthropology. London: Routledge. kc. 73. ISBN 020364459X. OCLC 436848672.
  2. a b "Andre Beteille : Biography and Contribution to World Sociology". Your Article Library. Dibukak ing 2017-12-04.
  3. "Andre Beteille appointed Ashoka University chancellor". Times of India. Dibukak ing 2017-12-04.
  4. "Andre Beteille". Department of Sociology University of Delhi. Dibukak ing 2017-12-04.