Cithakan:Cite video game
Dhokumèntasi cithakan[deleng] [besut] [sujarah] [busak telih]
besutParamèter | Wedharan | Jinis | Status | |
Title | title | Title of the video game | Roncèn | butuh |
Developer | developer | Developer of the game | Roncèn | butuh |
Publisher | publisher | Publisher, if applicable to translation/edition; omit if identical to developer | Roncèn | manasuka |
Platform | platform | Platform, if applicable to the reference. (If citing something that is the same across all versions, this is unnecessary) | Roncèn | manasuka |
Version | version | Version number of the video game cited, if applicable | Roncèn | manasuka |
Scene | scene | Scene within which the referred event or quote (if any) occurs (e.g. opening, staff credits) | Roncèn | manasuka |
Level | level | Level or area within which the referred event or quote (if any) occurs | Roncèn | manasuka |
Date | date | Full date of publication of the specified version. Must not be wikilinked. | Roncèn | manasuka |
Quote | quote | The quote that is used as the reference | Roncèn | manasuka |
Language | language | Language of publication; specify only if it is not English | Roncèn | manasuka |
Dhokumèntasi ing ndhuwur katranklusi saka Cithakan:Cite video game/doc. (besut | sujarah) Pambesut bisa njajal-jajal ing kaca bak wedhi (gawé | turunan) lan testcases (gawé) cithakan iki. Mangga tambahana kategori nyang anak kaca /doc. Anak kaca cithakan iki. |