Gerald Berreman

Gerald R. Berreman ya iku ahli antropologi saka oregon, Amérikah Sarékat, kalahiran taun 1930[1]. Berreman oléh pandhidhikan sarjana ing Universitas Oregon (1952), pasca sarjana (MA) taun 1953. Sabanjuré dhèwèké kuliah doktor (Ph.D) ing Universitas Cornell taun 1959[1][2]. Berreman naté nglakoni panlitian lapangan antropologi ana ing Kapuloan Aleutian (1952, 1962), India (1957, 1981), Nepal (1994, 1997), lan Fiji (Juli-Agustus 1991)[3]. Karya-karya tulisané Berreman kang wis diterbitké iku antarané ‘Seeking social justice: ethnic politics in India, the United States and Japan’, in Plenary Lectures: Second International Human Rights Seminar (1999), Hindus of the Himalayas: Ethnography and Change (1997), ‘The Incredible Tasaday’, Cultural Survival Quarterly (1991), ‘Ethics versus realism in anthropology’, ing C.Fluehr-Lobban (ed.) Ethics and the Profession of Anthropology (1991)[1]. Berreman kawentar ing fokusé bab tetandingan ke-ora adil-an sosial (comparative social inequality) kang kalebu ing hak-hak asasi manungsa, prakara-prakara lingkungan, ètik antropologi, lan metode ètnografi. Berreman nganggo teori interaksi sosial minangka hasil gabungan pandhangan simbolis interaksionisme, ètnometodologi, lan tèori praktis[1][2].

Rujukan besut

  1. a b c d Amit, Vered (2004). Biographical dictionary of social and cultural anthropology. London: Routledge. kc. 72. ISBN 020364459X. OCLC 436848672.
  2. a b "One Who Raged Against the Machine". Counter Punch. Dibukak ing 2017-12-04.
  3. "R.I.P. Gerald D. Berreman". India Currents. Dibukak ing 2017-12-04.