Gladri gendèra praja atmabuh

Cithakan:Pp-semi-protect This gallery of sovereign state flags shows the flags of sovereign states that appear on the list of sovereign states. For other flags, please see flags of active autonomist and secessionist movements, flags of formerly independent states, and gallery of flags of dependent territories. Each flag is depicted as if the flagpole is positioned on the left of the flag, except for those of Iran, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia which are depicted with the hoist to the right.

Gladrining gendéra praja atmabuh iki nunjukaké gendéraning praja-praja atmabuh kang muncul ana ing sajroning dhaptaring praja-praja atmabuh. Kanggo gendéra liyané, dèlèngen gendéraning pergerakan otonomis lan sesesionis aktif, gendéraning praja-praja mardhika, lan gladri gendéra-gendéraning teritori kang ora mardhika.

Kabeh gendéra digambaraké kanthi posisi saka ana ing kiwa gendéra. Kajaba gendéra Irak, Iran, lan Arab Saudi kang digambaraké kanthi posisi saka ana ing sisih tengené gendéra.

Gendéraning Negara-Negara Anggota lan Pengamat PBB



Praja-Praja Liyané


See also


Cithakan:National flags Cithakan:Lists of flags Cithakan:National symbols