Elon Musk: Béda antara owahan

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Larik 17:
=== Zip2 ===
Ing taun 1995, Musk lan adhine, Kimbal, miwiti Zip2, perusahaan program web, nganggo dhuwite bapake $2000. Perusahaan kuwi ngrembaka lan masarake pandhuan kutha ing internet kanggo industri panerbitan koran.<ref name= Friedman>{{citation|url=http://www.globalsecurity.org/org/news/2003/030422-space01.htm|title=Entrepreneur Tries His Midas Touch in Space|date=April 22, 2003|first=Josh|last=Friedman|work= Los Angeles Times}}</ref> Musk oleh kontrak saka The New York Times lan The Chicago Tribune sarta mujuki para dhirekture supaya ora sida nggabung perusahaane karo CitySearch.<ref name="Startup Playbook">{{cite book|title=The Startup Playbook: Secrets of the Fastest Growing Start-Ups from the founding Entrepreneurs|publisher=Chronicle Books|author1=Kidder, David |author2=Hoffman, Reid |year=2013|location=San Francisco, CA|pages=2224–228|isbn=978-1452105048}}</ref> Nalika ing Zip2, Musk pengin dadi CEO, nanging para panggedhe perusahaan ora ana sing ngidini.<ref name="auto"/> [[Compaq]] acquired Zip2 for {{US$|307{{nbsp}}million}} in cash and {{US$|34{{nbsp}}million}} in [[stock options]] in February 1999.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://news.cnet.com/Compaq+buys+Zip2/2100-1023_3-221675.html|title=Compaq buys Zip2| first=Sandeep| last=Junnarkar| publisher=CNET| date=February 16, 1999}}</ref> Compaq nuku Zip2 US$307 yuta kontan lan US$34yuta ing wujud saham nalika sulan Februari 1999. Musk oleh US$22 yuta saka bageyane sing 7% ing payune Zip2.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.shareholder.com/Common/Edgar/1065088/891618-03-1538/03-00.pdf|publisher=eBay|title=SEC 10-K|format=PDF|date=December 31, 2002}}</ref> Before its sale, Musk, who was the company's largest [[shareholder]], owned 11.7% of PayPal's shares.
=== X.com lan PayPal ===
Larik 23:
=== SpaceX ===
Musk ngadegake Space Exploration Technologies, utawa SpaceX, ing wulan Mei 2012. Dheweke duwe pangemu nggawe usaha iki sabanjure ping pindho lunga menyang Rusia kanggo tuku roket nanging ora sida tuku amarga miturut Musk regane kelarangen. Dheweke pengin tuku roket kanggo mujudake gegayuhane jajah Mars. Ing dalan bali saka Moskow, Musk mikir yen dheweke bisa nggawe usaha mbangun roket dhewe sing luwih murah.<ref name=":0">{{Cite news|url=https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2015-elon-musk-spacex/ |title=Elon Musk's space dream almost killed Tesla|date=May 14, 2015|accessdate=June 7, 2015|website=Bloomberg L.P.|last=Vance|first=Ashlee}}</ref> According to early Tesla and SpaceX investor [[Steve Jurvetson]],<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.businessinsider.com/steve-jurvetson-spacex-elon-musk-2012-9|title=How Steve Jurvetson Saved Elon Musk|date=September 14, 2012|work=Business Insider}}</ref> Miturut investor wiwitane Tesla lan SpaceX, Steve Jurvetson, Musk ngitung yen piranti kanggo mbangun roket satemene mung ngentekake branawragad 3% saka rega wutuhe roket.<ref>{{cite av media|url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3aXNWGwis4w |title=SpaceX and Daring to Think Big – Steve Jurvetson|date=January 28, 2015|publisher=YouTube}}</ref>
Musk ngadegake usaha iki sarana dhuwite US$100yuta saka usaha-usaha sadurunge.<ref>{{cite news|url=https://www.nytimes.com/2006/02/05/business/yourmoney/05rocket.html |title=A Bold Plan to Go Where Men Have Gone Before|date=February 5, 2006|first=Leslie|last=Wayne|work=The New York Times|accessdate=February 16, 2015}}</ref> Dheweke dadi CEOne. Jejibahan utamane SpaceX yaiku ngembangake teknologi roket. Roket sing wiwitan bisa diluncurake yaiku Falcon 1 lan Falcon 9, sarta tetunggangan luar angkasa kapisane aran Dragon. <ref>{{Citation|url=http://www.spacex.com|title=SpaceX}}</ref> In seven years, SpaceX designed the family of Falcon launch vehicles and the Dragon multipurpose spacecraft. In September 2008, SpaceX's Falcon 1 rocket became the first privately funded liquid-fueled vehicle to put a satellite into Earth orbit.<ref name="auto"/> Ing taun 2008, Falcon 1 dadi tetunggangan sing nganggo dana swasta kapisan sing bisa masang satelit ing orbit bhumi.<ref name="auto" /> Nalika tanggal 25 Mei 2012, Dragone SpaceX parkir ing International Space Station (ISS). Kadadeyan iki ndadekake SpaceX usaha komersil kapisan sing mbudhalake lan markir tetunggangan menyang ISS.<ref>{{cite news|last=Harwood|first=William|title=SpaceX Dragon returns to Earth, ends historic trip|url= http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-205_162-57444590/spacex-dragon-returns-to-earth-ends-historic-trip/?tag=cbsnewsSectionContent.10 |publisher=CBS News|accessdate=August 3, 2013|date=May 31, 2012}}</ref>
Ing 2006, perusahaan iki kanugrahan kontrak saka NASA kanggo ngembangake lan nguji Falcon 9 lan Dragon supaya bisa ngirim gawan menyang ISS. SpaceX saya maju. Ing tanggal 22 Desember 2015, SpaceX bisa ngudhunake sawijining roket Falcone bali menyang pangggonan budhale. Iki kadadeyan anyar ing jagad roket orbit amarga lumrahe roket sing wis mbudhalake satelit ora bisa bali mudhun sahingga njalari regane roket dadi larang.
Angen-angene Musk yaiku supaya bisa nyuda wragad lelungane manungsa menyang luar angkasa kanthi faktor 10. Ing sawijining wawancara ing taun 2011, dheweke ngomong yen dheweke pengin mbudhalake manungsa menyang Mars ing 10-20 taun nyang ngarep. Dheweke pengin nggawe koloni sing isine 80.000 uwong ing Mars mengko taun 2040. Miturut Musk, jalaran ing Mars ora ana oksigen, kabeh tetunggangan kudu nganggo listrik (montor listrik, sepur listrik, Hyperloop, lan kapal mabur listrik). SpaceX dikarepake bisa mbudhalake Dragon menyang Mars ing taun 2018.
=== Tesla ===
Tesla, Inc.(asline Tesla Motors) diadegake ing Juli 2003 dening Martin Eberhard lan Marc Tarpenning sing mragadi usaha iki nganti mangsa ngempalake wragad kanggo Series A.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://techcrunch.com/gallery/a-brief-history-of-tesla|title=A Brief History of Tesla|date=October 8, 2014|accessdate=June 11, 2015|website=TechCrunch|publisher=TechCrunch.com|last=Burns|first=Matt}}</ref> Wong loro ik panggedhe utamane Tesla sadurunge Musk mlebu ing wulan Februari 2004. Sawise mlebu, Musk dadi pandheganing para direktur ing kono. Musk ya melu urun rembug rancangan produk Roadster nganti sathithi, nanging ora patia melu ngurus lakuning bisnis ing padinan.<ref>{{cite web|last=Musk|first=Elon|url=http://www.teslamotors.com/about/executives/elonmusk|title=CEO Elon Musk|publisher=Tesla Motors|accessdate=October 20, 2010}}</ref>
Sabanjure krisis 2008,<ref>{{cite news|first=Chris|last=Morrison|date=October 15, 2008|url=https://www.nytimes.com/external/venturebeat/2008/10/15/15venturebeat-elon-musk-steps-in-as-ceo-at-tesla-lays-off-99182.html|title=Musk steps in as CEO|work=The New York Times}}</ref> Musk dadi CEO lan juru rancang produke Tesla nganti saiki. Tesla kawitane nggawe montor sport Roadster ing taun 2008 sing payu 2500 iji ing 31 negara. Tesla banjur nggawe sedan Model S taun 2012 lan ngedol Model X taun 2015. Saliyane nggawe lan ngedol montor, Tesla uga ngedol sistem mesin listrik marang Daimler, Mercedes, lan Toyota.<ref>{{Cite news|url=http://www.forbes.com/sites/joannmuller/2013/06/01/what-do-toyota-and-mercedes-see-in-tesla-a-bit-of-themselves|title=What Do Toyota And Mercedes See in Tesla? A Bit of Themselves|author=Joann Muller|work=Forbes.com|date=June 1, 2013}}</ref>