Wong Kurdhi: Béda antara owahan

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[[File:Roj emblem.svg|300px|thumb|right|Dwaja Roj sing awujud piringan srengéngé emas]]
Para '''Kurdhi''' ([[Basa Kurdhi|Kurdish]]:<span> </span><span dir="rtl" lang="ku">کورد</span>‎ ''Kurd'') uga karan w'''ong-wong Kurdhi''' ([[Basa Kurdhi|Kurdish]]:<span> </span><span dir="rtl" lang="ku">گەلێ کوردی</span>‎ ''Gelê Kurdî'') iku sawijining [[bebrayan]]<ref>[http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/4555000.stm Killing of Iraq Kurds 'genocide'], ''BBC'', "The Dutch court said it considered "legally and convincingly proven that the Kurdish population meets requirement under Genocide Conventions as an ethnic group"."</ref> ing [[Wétan Tengah]], akèh-akèhé ndunungi laladan sing watesan, nyrambahi pérangan Wétan lan Kidul-Wétané [[Turki]] (Kurdhistan Lor), [[Iran]] Kulon (Wétan utawa Kurdhistan Irania), [[Irak]] (Kidul utawa Kurdhistan Irak), lan [[Suriah]] Lor (Kurdhistan Kulon utawa Rojava).<ref>''Kurdish Awakening: Nation Building in a Fragmented Homeland'', (2014), by Ofra Bengio, University of Texas Press</ref> Wong-wong Kurdhi budayané lan basané caket gegandhèngané karo wong-wong Irania <ref name="Shoup">{{cite book|author=John A. Shoup III|title=Ethnic Groups of Africa and the Middle East: An Encyclopedia|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=GN5yv3-U6goC&pg=PA159|date=17 October 2011|publisher=ABC-CLIO|isbn=978-1-59884-363-7|page=159}}</ref><ref>{{Citecite web |url=http://www.encyclopedia.com/doc/1E1-Kurds.html |title=Kurds |date=2014 |work=The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed.|publisher=Encyclopedia.com |accessdate=29 December 2014}}</ref><ref>{{Citecite book |first=Mehrdad R. |last=Izady |title=The Kurds: A Concise Handbook |url= https://books.google.com/books?id=I9mr6OgLjBoC&pg=PA198 |year=1992 |publisher=Taylor & Francis |isbn=978-0-8448-1727-9 |page=198}}</ref> saéngga wong-wong Kurdhi asring éwoning wong-wong Irania.<ref name="EncyclopaediaIslamica">{{Citecite book |chapter=Kurds, Kurdistan |last1=Bois|first1=T.|last2=Minorsky|first2=V.|last3=MacKenzie|first3=D.&nbsp;N. |title=Encyclopaedia Islamica |editor1-first=P.|editor1-last=Bearman |editor2-first=T.|editor2-last=Bianquis |editor3-first=C.&nbsp;E.|editor3-last=Bosworth |editor4-first=E.|editor4-last=van Donzel |editor5-first=W.&nbsp;P.|editor5-last=Heinrichs |publisher=Brill |year=2009 |quote=<poem>The Kurds, an Iranian people of the Near East, live at the junction of more or less laicised Turkey"."... We thus find that about the period of the Arab conquest a single ethnic term ''Kurd'' (plur. ''Akrād'') was beginning to be applied to an amalgamation of Iranian or iranicised tribes. ... The classification of the Kurds among the Iranian nations is based mainly on linguistic and historical data and does not prejudice the fact there is a complexity of ethnical elements incorporated in them.</poem>}}</ref> Akèh wong-wong Kurdhi sing nganggep yèn dhèwèké iku turunané Medes, awijining wong-wong Irania kuna,<ref>{{cite book|author=Barbara A. West|title=Encyclopedia of the Peoples of Asia and Oceania|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=pCiNqFj3MQsC&pg=PA518|date=1 January 2009|publisher=Infobase Publishing|isbn=978-1-4381-1913-7|page=518}}</ref> lan uga nduwé tanggalan sing tanggalé saka 612 sadurungé Masèhi, nalika Medes neluk Nineveh, kutha krajané Assyria.<ref>{{Cite encyclopedia|last=[[Richard N. Frye|Frye]]|first=Richard Nelson|title=IRAN v. PEOPLES OF IRAN (1) A General Survey|encyclopedia=Encyclopædia Iranica|accessdate=2016-03-04|url=http://www.iranicaonline.org/articles/iran-v1-peoples-survey}}</ref> Pangakuan minangka turunan saka Median ana ing lagu kabangsan Kurdhi: "awakdhèwè anak turuné Medes lan Kai Khosrow ".<ref>{{cite book|author=Ofra Bengio|title=Kurdish Awakening: Nation Building in a Fragmented Homeland|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=caCDBAAAQBAJ&pg=PA87|date=15 November 2014|publisher=University of Texas Press|isbn=978-0-292-75813-1|page=87}}</ref> Basa Kurdhi wujud sawijining subkelompoking basa-basa Irania Lor-Kulon.<ref name="Iranica-KurdLang">{{Cite web|first=Ludwig|last=Paul|title=Kurdish Language|work=Encyclopædia Iranica|date=2008|url=http://www.iranicaonline.org/articles/kurdish-language-i|accessdate=2 December 2011}}</ref><ref>{{cite journal|author=D. N. MacKenzie|year=1961|title=The Origins of Kurdish|journal=Transactions of the Philological Society|pages=68–86}}</ref>
Bangsa Kurdhi, ing sakurebing langit, ana watara 30–32 yuta, bokmenawa nganti 37 yuta,<ref>Based on arithmetic from ''World Factbook'' and other sources cited herein: A Near Eastern population of 28–30 million, plus approximately 2 million diaspora gives 30–32 million.</ref> kanthi mayoritas dedunung ana ing Asia Kulon; nanging ana masarakat diaspora Kurdhi sing cukup akèh ana ing kutha-kutha ing Turki Kulon, mligi [[Istanbul]]. Sawijining diaspora Kurdhi uga ngembang ana ing nagara-nagara Kulon, kususé ing [[Jerman]]. Bangsa Kurdhi iku minangka cacah jiwa mayoritas ana ing wewengkon swatantraning Kurdhistan Irak, lan ing wewengkon swatantraning Rojava, sarta minangka golongan minoritas sing gatèn ing nagara tangga Turki lan Iran, papané obahan nasionalis Kurdhi ngupadi swatantra lan hak-hak kabudayan.