John Dewey: Béda antara owahan

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Larik 5:
Dewey minangka salah siji tokoh pokok kang ana gandhèngané karo filsafat [[Pragmatik|pragmatisme]] lan dianggep salah siji bapa psikologi fungsiyonal. Karya ngèlmiyahé "The Reflex Arc Concept in Psychology" kang dibabar ing taun 1896, dianggep karya kawitan kang pokok ing pamulangan fungsiyonalis (Chicago).<ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=John Dewey||language=en|access-date=2019-08-29}}</ref><ref>{{Cite journal|last=Backe|first=Andrew|date=1999|title=Dewey and the Reflex Arc: The Limits of James's Influence|journal=Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society|volume=35|issue=2|pages=312–326|issn=0009-1774|jstor=40320763}}</ref> Survéi ''Review of General Psychology'' '','' dibabar ing taun 2002, ngrangking Dewey ing urutan 93 minangka psikolog abad ping 20 kang akèh disitir. <ref>{{Cite journal|last=Haggbloom|first=Steven J.|last2=Warnick|first2=Renee|last3=Warnick|first3=Jason E.|last4=Jones|first4=Vinessa K.|last5=Yarbrough|first5=Gary L.|last6=Russell|first6=Tenea M.|last7=Borecky|first7=Chris M.|last8=McGahhey|first8=Reagan|last9=Powell|first9=John L., III|year=2002|title=The 100 most eminent psychologists of the 20th century|url=|journal=Review of General Psychology|volume=6|issue=2|pages=139–52|citeseerx=|doi=10.1037/1089-2680.6.2.139}}</ref>
Dewey uga minangka réformis wiyata kang gedhé ing abad ping 20. <ref name=":0">{{Cite web|url=|title=PBS Online: Only A Teacher: Schoolhouse Pioneers||access-date=2019-08-29}}</ref> Kondhang minangka nimpuna umum, dhèwèké wong kang sora tumrap wiyata progrèsif lan liberalisme.<ref>Alan Ryan, ''John Dewey and the High Tide of American Liberalism'', (1995), p. 32</ref><ref>{{Cite book|title=School and Society: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives|last=Violas, Paul C.|last2=Tozer, Steven|last3=Senese, Guy B.|date=September 2004|publisher=McGraw-Hill Humanities/Social Sciences/Languages|isbn=978-0-07-298556-6|location=|page=121|doi=|oclc=}}</ref> Nalika njawat mahaguru ing Universitas Chicago, dhèwèké yasa Sekolah Laboratoriyum Universitas Chicago, kang dadi papan dhèwèké ngecakaké lan ngrambyang gagaran-gagasan progrèsifé ing babagan métodhe pédhagogis.<ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=John Dewey's Laboratory School in Chicago||access-date=2019-08-29}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=John Dewey (1859—1952)|website=The University of Tennessee at Martin}}</ref> Sanajan Dewey kasuwur amarga publikasiné bab wiyata, dhèwèké uga nulis akèh babagan liyane, kaya ta [[Épistémologi|èpistèmologi]], [[métafisika]], [[èstètika]], [[kagunan]], [[Logika|logikah]], téyori sosiyal, lan [[Étika|étikah]].
[[Kategori:Pati 1952]]
[[Kategori:Lair 1859]]