Naraguna:Bennylin/trans.js: Béda antara owahan

Konten dihapus Konten ditambahkan
undo, define the zws in the DoTransliterate section instead (if there are space after open vowel, or -r/-h, like when you copy paste, then put zws)
Tanpa ringkesan besutan
Larik 264:
if (str.indexOf("ghl") == 0) { //ga murda + panjingan la
return { "CoreSound": "ꦓ꧀ꦭ", "len": 3 };
return { "CoreSound": "ꦓꦿ", "len": 3 };
} else if (str.indexOf("ghw") == 0) { //ga murda + panjingan wa
} else if (str.indexOf("ghr") == 0) { //ga murda + cakra
return { "CoreSound": "ꦓ꧀ꦮ", "len": 3 };
} else if (str.indexOf("ghr") == 0) { //ga murda + cakra
return { "CoreSound": "ꦓꦿ", "len": 3 };
} else if (str.indexOf("ghy") == 0) { //ga murda + wignyan
return { "CoreSound": "ꦓꦾ", "len": 3 };
Larik 287:
} else if (str.indexOf("jh") == 0) { //jh (aksara murda: ja mahaprana)
if (str.indexOf("jhl") == 0) { //ja mahaprana + panjingan la
return { "CoreSound": "ꦙ꧀ꦭꦙ꧀​ꦭ", "len": 3 }; //with zws, otherwise the panjingan is overlapped
} else if (str.indexOf("jhr") == 0) { //ja mahaprana + cakra
return { "CoreSound": "ꦙꦿ", "len": 3 };
Larik 348:
} else if (str.indexOf("ngy") == 0) { //pengkal (for cecak + ya, separate by a space)
return { "CoreSound": "" + "ꦔꦾ", "len": 3 };
} else if (str.indexOf("nghw") == 0) { //tyonghwa
return { "CoreSound": "" + "ꦁꦲ꧀ꦮ​", "len": 4 };
} else if (str.indexOf("ngg") == 0) { //cecak + ga
if (str.indexOf("nggr") == 0) { //nggronjal