Dhokumèntasi modhul iki bisa digawé ing Modhul:Clade/doc
--NOTE: this module contains functions for generating the table structure of the clade tree in two ways:
-- (1) the original method was generated by a number of function calls from the template using {{invoke}}
-- function p.openTable(frame) - creates wikitext code to open the HTML table
-- function p.node(frame) - deals with the first node (|1,|label1) and creates wikitext for top row of the table
-- function p.nodeN(frame) - deals with a sister nodes (|2-17), adding a row each time it is called
-- function p.closeTable() - closes the HTML table
-- (2) the revised method is called by the template with one {{invoke}} instruction; it has three functions:
-- p.main(frame) - opens and closes table, loops through the children of node, main is invoked once and controls the rest, calling ...
-- p.addTaxon(childNumber, nodeLeaf) - the nuts and bolts; code dealing with each child node
-- p.addLabel(childNumber) - adds the label text
local p = {}
--============================== main function (for Method 2) ===========================
-- main function, which will
--[[Main function to generate the table structure of the tree
Usage: {{#invoke:Module:Sandbox/Jts1882/CladeN|main|style={{{STYLE}}} }}
Template: User:Jts1882/sandbox/templates/CladeN
function p.main(frame)
local cladeString = ""
local maxChildren = 20 -- currently 17 in the clade/cladex templates
local childNumber = 0
local lastNode = 0
local nodeCount = 0 -- total leafs plus new clade branches
local leafCount = 0 -- just the terminal leaves
local cladeCount = 0 -- new clade calls (each with a table)
local childCount = 0 -- number of leaves in the clade (can use to set bottom of bracket in addTaxon()
local totalCount = 0
--[[Note: this preprocessing loop gets information about the whole structure (number of nodes, leaves etc)
it makes a redundant calls to the templates through transclusion, but doen't affect the template depths;
it would probably be better to store the transcluded nodes in a table (a job for later)
--[[ disable proprocessing loop
while childNumber < maxChildren do -- preprocessing loop
childNumber = childNumber + 1 -- so we start with 1
local nodeLeaf,data = mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent().args[tostring(childNumber)] or "" -- get data from |N=
if nodeLeaf ~= "" then
childCount = childCount + 1 -- this counts child elements in this clade
for i in string.gmatch(nodeLeaf, "|| rowspan") do -- count number of rows started (transclusion)
nodeCount = nodeCount + 1
for i in string.gmatch(nodeLeaf, "{| cellspacing") do -- count number of tables started (transclusion)
cladeCount = cladeCount + 1
-- _, cladeCount = string.gsub(nodeLeaf, "{| cellspacing", "")
--_, nodeCount = string.gsub(nodeLeaf, "|| rowspan", "")
--totalCount = totalCount + nodeCount
lastNode = childNumber
-- if data ~= nil then totalCount = totalCount + tonumber(data) else totalCount = totalCount + 1 end
--cladeString = cladeString .. '\n' .. ' count= ' .. totalCount
nodeCount = nodeCount + childCount --(elements passed down by transduction plus current child elements)
cladeCount = cladeCount + 1 --(elements passed down by transduction plus current clade)
leafCount = nodeCount-cladeCount+1
totalCount =leafCount-- cladeCount --nodeCount
local testing = false
if testing then
local dataString = p.test(1)
cladeString = cladeString .. dataString
return cladeString
local tableStyle = or ""
if tableStyle == '{{{style}}}' then tableStyle = "" end
local captionName =mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent().args['caption'] or ""
local captionStyle = mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent().args['captionstyle'] or ""
-- open table
cladeString = cladeString .. '{| style="border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0;margin:0;' .. tableStyle .. '"'
-- add caption
if captionName ~= "" then
cladeString = cladeString .. '\n|+ style="' .. captionStyle .. '"|' .. captionName
-- global nodeParameters (unnumber, i.e. color, thickness, state) apply to whole node bracket,
-- but can be overrriden by branchParameters (numbered, e.g. color2, thickness2, state2)
nodeColor = mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent().args['color'] or ""
nodeThickness = tonumber(mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent().args['thickness']) or 1
nodeState = mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent().args['state'] or "solid"
local moreNeeded = true
childNumber = 0
lastNode = 0
--[[get child elements (add more rows for each child of node; each child is two rows)
the function addTaxon is called to add the rows for each child element;
each child add two rows: the first cell of each row contains the label or sublabel (below the line label), respectively;
the second cell spans both rows and contains the leaf name or a new clade structure
a third cell on the top row is sometimes added to contain a group to the right
while childNumber < maxChildren do -- disable moreNeeded
-- while childNumber < 17 and moreNeeded == true do
childNumber = childNumber + 1 -- so we start with 1
local nodeLeaf = mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent().args[tostring(childNumber)] or "" -- get data from |N=
local nodeLabel = mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent().args['label'..tostring(childNumber)] or "" -- get data from |labelN=
local newickString = mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent().args['newick'..tostring(childNumber)] or "" -- get data from |labelN=
if newickString ~= "" then -- if using a newick string instead of a clade structure
if nodeLabel == "" then -- use labelN by default, otherwise use root name from Newick string
nodeLabel = p.getNewickOuterterm(newickString) -- need to use terminal part of newick string for label
cladeString = cladeString .. '\n' .. p.addTaxon(childNumber, p.newick(0, newickString), nodeLabel)
lastNode = childNumber
elseif nodeLeaf ~= "" then -- if the node contains a leaf name or clade structue
cladeString = cladeString .. '\n' .. p.addTaxon(childNumber, nodeLeaf, nodeLabel)
lastNode = childNumber
moreNeeded = false -- no |N= so don't look for more
-- Note: this changes the behaviour. If there is no |2, it won't look for |3 or |4, which clade does (is this desirable?)
-- this has been disabled to allow consistent behaviour with clade/cladex (it will check to the limit set)
--[[finish last row by adding cell with no left border
note: the row was started in addTaxon(), but the cell not added as left border yet to be determined;
here the cell is added to the last child node with no left border as it is below the bracket
this will be moved to addTaxon() when the number of the last child is known
local subLabel = mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent().args['sublabel'..tostring(lastNode)] or "" -- request in addLabel
--use subLabel for annotating the clade structues to use structure information (DEBUGGIING ONLY)
--subLabel= '(N=' .. totalCount .. ')'
--cladeString = cladeString .. '\n' .. '| style="border: 0; padding: 0; vertical-align: top;" | <br/> '
cladeString = cladeString .. '\n' .. '|style="border:0;vertical-align:top;text-align:center;"|' .. p.addLabel(lastNode-1,subLabel)
--[[ footer description (add addition row spanning two columns at bottom of table)
this is designed to provide the description below the whole clade structure (mimicking cladogram);
however, it can also be used to add labels and spacing to the whole clade structre
local footerText = mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent().args['footer'] or ""
local footerStyle = mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent().args['footerstyle'] or ""
if footerText ~= "" then
--cladeString = cladeString .. '<tr><td>Test <br/><br/><br/><br/><br/></td></tr>'
cladeString = cladeString .. '\n|-style="' .. footerStyle .. '"\n|colspan="2"|<p>' .. footerText .. '</p>||'
-- close table (wikitext to close table)
cladeString = cladeString .. '\n|}'
return cladeString
--[[ function to add child elements
adds wikitext for two rows of the table for each child node,
the first cell in each is used for the label and sublabel; the bottom border forms the horizonal branch of the bracket
the second cell is used for the leafname or a transcluded clade structure and spans both rows
note that the first and last child nodes need to be handled differently from the middle elements
the middle elements (|2, |3 ...) use a left border to create the vertical line of the bracket
the first child element doesn't use a left border for the first cell in the top row (as it is above the bracket)
the last child doesn't use a left border for the first cell in the second row (as it is above the bracket)
a complication is that the number of the last child node is not known;
as a result the cells will be added to the row on the next iteration or after the main loop finishes
function p.addTaxon(childNumber, nodeLeaf, nodeLabel)
-- get leaf and labels
--local nodeLeaf = mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent().args[tostring(childNumber)] or "" -- used passed variable to avoid redundancy
--local nodeLabel = mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent().args['label'..tostring(childNumber)] or "" -- request in addLabel
-- get formating parameters for branch (default to global nodeParameters)
-- - the branch parameters have a number, e.g. |colorN, |thicknessN, |stateN
-- - the node parameters have no number, e.g. |color, |thickness, |state
local branchThickness = tonumber(mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent().args['thickness'..tostring(childNumber)]) or nodeThickness
local branchColor = mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent().args['color'..tostring(childNumber)] or nodeColor
local branchStyle = mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent().args['style'..tostring(childNumber)] or ""
local branchState = mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent().args['state'..tostring(childNumber)] or nodeState -- "solid"
if branchState == 'double' then if branchThickness < 2 then branchThickness = 3 end end -- need thick line for double
-- the left border takes node parameters, the bottom border takes branch parameters
local bottomBorder = tostring(branchThickness) ..'px ' .. branchState .. (branchColor~="" and ' ' .. branchColor or '')
local leftBorder = tostring(nodeThickness) ..'px ' .. nodeState .. (nodeColor~="" and ' ' .. nodeColor or '')
-- variables for right hand bar or bracket
--local barColor = ""
local barRight = mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent().args['bar'..tostring(childNumber)] or "0"
local barBottom = mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent().args['barend'..tostring(childNumber)] or "0"
local barTop = mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent().args['barbegin'..tostring(childNumber)] or "0"
local barLabel = mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent().args['barlabel'..tostring(childNumber)] or ""
local groupLabel = mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent().args['grouplabel'..tostring(childNumber)] or ""
local groupLabelStyle = mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent().args['labelstyle'..tostring(childNumber)] or ""
--replace colours with format string; need right bar for all three options
if barRight ~= "0" then barRight = "2px solid " .. barRight end
if barTop ~= "0" then barRight = "2px solid " .. barTop end
if barBottom ~= "0" then barRight = "2px solid " .. barBottom end
if barTop ~= "0" then barTop = "2px solid " .. barTop end
if barBottom ~= "0" then barBottom = "2px solid " .. barBottom end
-- now construct wikitext
local styleString = ''
local cladeString = ''
--[[ first add cell to the spacing row (for 2-17); it completes the previous row
why is this here rather than at the end of each row?
To allow left border (here while extending bracket) or not (end of bracket)
if childNumber ~= 1 then
local subLabel = mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent().args['sublabel'..tostring(childNumber-1)] or "" -- request in addLabel
--styleString = ' style="border-left:' .. leftBorder ..';border-top:0;border-right:0;border-bottom:0;vertical-align:top;text-align:center;"'
styleString = ' style="border:0;border-left:' .. leftBorder ..';vertical-align:top;text-align:center;"'
--cladeString = cladeString .. '| ' .. styleString .. ' | <br/> ' -- for sublabel ' | y<br/> '
cladeString = cladeString .. '|' .. styleString .. '|' .. p.addLabel(childNumber-1,subLabel)
-- new row
cladeString = cladeString .. '\n|-'
-- now add cell with label
styleString = ''
if childNumber == 1 then
-- the width gives minimum spacing when all labels are empty (was 1.5em)
--styleString = ' style="width:1em;border-bottom:' .. bottomBorder .. ';border-left:0;border-top:0;border-right:0;padding:0 0.2em;vertical-align:bottom;text-align:center;' .. branchStyle .. '"'
styleString = ' style="width:1em;border:0;padding:0 0.2em;border-bottom:' .. bottomBorder .. ';vertical-align:bottom;text-align:center;' .. branchStyle .. '"'
else -- for 2-17
styleString = ' style="border:0;padding:0 0.2em;border-left:' .. leftBorder .. ';border-bottom:' .. bottomBorder .. ';vertical-align:bottom;text-align:center;' .. branchStyle .. '"'
cladeString = cladeString .. '\n|' .. styleString .. '|' .. p.addLabel(childNumber,nodeLabel) -- p.addLabel(nodeLabel)
-- add cell with leaf (which may be a table with transluded content)
--cladeString = cladeString .. '|| rowspan=2 style="border: 0; padding: 0; border-right: ' .. barRight .. ';border-bottom: ' .. barBottom .. ';border-top: ' .. barTop .. ';' .. branchStyle .. ' " | '
styleString = ''
if barRight ~= "0" then
styleString = 'style="border:0;padding:0;border-right:' .. barRight .. ';border-bottom:' .. barBottom .. ';border-top:' .. barTop .. ';' .. branchStyle .. '"'
styleString = 'style="border:0;padding:0;' .. branchStyle .. '"'
cladeString = cladeString .. '||rowspan=2 ' .. styleString .. '|'
-- note: this is where leading spaces can be added to labels and leaves. This was commented out in the clade template. Most trees seem to have added spaces, to would need to check for existing spaces; however, cladex uses it
-- or could use padding:0 0.2em in cell style as for labels
cladeString = cladeString .. '\n' .. nodeLeaf
-- stuff for right-hand bar-bracket
if barRight ~= "0" then
cladeString = cladeString .. ' ' -- add spaces between leaf text and bar
if barLabel ~= "" then
-- cladeString = cladeString .. '\n| ' .. barLabel end -- experiment for labeling the bar
cladeString = cladeString .. '<td style="vertical-align:middle;">' .. barLabel ..'</td>'
if groupLabel ~= ""then
--cladeString = cladeString .. ' ' -- add spaces between leaf text and bar (could use padding)
cladeString = cladeString .. '<td style="'.. groupLabelStyle .. '">' .. groupLabel ..'</td>'
-- add row (needed because of rowspan=2);
-- note: the cell will be added on the next iteration of addTaxon (with left border) or after the main loop (without left border)
local branchStyleString = 'style="' .. branchStyle .. '" '
if branchStyle == '' then branchStyleString = '' end -- avoid empty style elements
cladeString = cladeString .. '\n|-' .. branchStyleString
-- TODO code to put whole row here instead of completing on next call to addTaxon() or after main loop
return cladeString
--[[ adds text for label or sublabel to a cell
function p.addLabel(childNumber,nodeLabel)
--local nodeLabel = mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent().args['label'..tostring(childNumber)] or ""
local firstChars = string.sub(nodeLabel, 1,2) -- get first two characters; will be {{ if no parameter (for Old method?)
--if nodeLabel ~= "{{{label1}}}" then
if firstChars == "{{{" or nodeLabel == "" then
return '<br/>' --' <br/>' -- remove space to reduce post-expand include size (the width=1.5em handles spacing)
-- spaces can cause wrapping and can break tree structure, hence use span with nowrap class
--return '<span class="nowrap">' .. nodeLabel .. '</span>'
-- a better method for template expansion size is to replace spaces with nonbreaking spaces
-- however, there is a problem if labels have a styling element (e.g. <span style= ..., <span title= ...)
local stylingElementDetected = false
if string.find(nodeLabel, "span ") ~= nil then stylingElementDetected = true end
if string.find(nodeLabel, " style") ~= nil then stylingElementDetected = true end
if stylingElementDetected == true then
return '<span class="nowrap">' .. nodeLabel .. '</span>'
local nowrapString = string.gsub(nodeLabel," ", " ") -- replace spaces with non-breaking space
return nowrapString
--[[=================== Newick string handling function =============================
function p.getNewickOuterterm(newickString)
return string.gsub(newickString, "%b()", "") -- delete parenthetic term
function p.newick(count,newickString)
local cladeString = ""
count = count+1
--start table
cladeString = cladeString .. '{| style="border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0;border:0;margin:0;'
local j,k
j,k = string.find(newickString, '%(.*%)') -- find location of outer parenthesised term
local innerTerm = string.sub(newickString, j+1, k-1) -- select content in parenthesis
local outerTerm = string.gsub(newickString, "%b()", "") -- delete parenthetic term
if outerTerm == 'panthera' then outerTerm = "x" end -- how is this set in local variable for inner nodes?
outerTerm = tostring(count)
-- need to remove commas in bracket terms before split, so temporarily replace commas between brackets
local innerTerm2 = string.gsub(innerTerm, "%b()", function (n)
return string.gsub(n, ",%s*", "XXX") -- also strip spaces after commas here
--cladeString = cladeString .. '\n' .. p.addTaxon(1, innerTerm2, "")
local s = strsplit(innerTerm2, ",")
local i=1
while s[i] do
restoredString = string.gsub(s[i],"XXX", ",") -- convert back to commas
--restoredString = s[i]
local outerTerm = string.gsub(restoredString, "%b()", "")
if string.find(restoredString, '%(.*%)') then
--cladeString = cladeString .. '\n' .. p.addTaxon(i, restoredString, "x")
cladeString = cladeString .. '\n' .. p.addTaxon(i, p.newick(count,restoredString), outerTerm)
-- p.addTaxon(2, p.newick(count,newickString2), "root")
cladeString = cladeString .. '\n' .. p.addTaxon(i, restoredString, "") --count)
-- close table
cladeString = cladeString .. '\n' .. '| style="border: 0; padding: 0; vertical-align: top;" | <br/> \n|}'
return cladeString
-- emulate a standard split string function
function strsplit(inputstr, sep)
if sep == nil then
sep = "%s"
local t={} ; i=1
for str in string.gmatch(inputstr, "([^"..sep.."]+)") do
t[i] = str
i = i + 1
return t
-- Bits from Peter Coxhead's module
Utility function primarily intended for use in checking and debugging.
Returns number of levels in a taxonomic hierarchy, starting from
the supplied taxon as level 1.
Usage: {{#invoke:Autotaxobox|nLevels|TAXON}}
function p.nLevels(frame)
local currTaxon = frame.args[1]
local i = 1
local maxN = 2
local searching = true
while searching and i < maxN do
--local parent = frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'Template:Taxonomy/' .. currTaxon, args = {['machine code'] = 'parent' } }
local parent = frame:expandTemplate{ title = currTaxon, args = {['machine code'] = 'parent' } }
if parent ~= '' then
currTaxon = parent
i = i + 1
searching = false
if searching then return currTaxon --maxN .. '+'
else return i
Utility function primarily intended for use in checking and debugging.
Returns a comma separated list of a taxonomic hierarchy, starting from
the supplied taxon.
Usage: {{#invoke:Autotaxobox|listAll|TAXON}}
function p.listAll(frame)
local currTaxon = frame.args[1]
local i = 1
local searching = true
local maxN = 100
local lst = currTaxon
while i < maxN and searching do
local currCall = 'Template:Taxonomy/' .. currTaxon
local parent = frame:expandTemplate{ title = currCall, args = {['machine code'] = 'parent' } }
if parent ~= '' then
currTaxon = parent
lst = lst .. ', ' .. currTaxon
i = i + 1
searching = false
if searching then lst = lst .. '...' end
return lst .. ' (' .. i .. ')'
-- =================== experimental Newick to clade parser function =============================
--[[Function of convert Newick strings to clade format
Usage: {{#invoke:Module:Sandbox/Jts1882/CladeN|newickConverter|newickstring={{{NEWICK_STRING}}} }}
function p.newickConverter(frame)
local newickString = frame.args['newickstring']
if newickString == '{{{newickstring}}}' then return newickString end
-- show the Newick string
local cladeString = ''
local levelNumber = 1 -- for depth of iteration
local childNumber = 1 -- number of sister elements on node (always one for root)
-- converted the newick string to the clade structure
cladeString = cladeString .. '{{clade'
cladeString = cladeString .. p.newickParseLevel(newickString, levelNumber, childNumber)
cladeString = cladeString .. '\r}}'
local resultString = ''
local option = mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent().args['option'] or ''
if option == 'tree' then
--show the transcluded clade diagram
resultString = cladeString
-- show the Newick string
resultString = '<pre>'..newickString..'</pre>'
-- show the converted clade structure
resultString = resultString .. '<pre>'.. cladeString ..'</pre>'
--resultString = frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'clade', frame:preprocess(cladeString) }
return resultString
--[[ Parse one level of Newick sting
This function recieves a Newick string, which has two components
1. the right hand term is a clade label: |labelN=labelname
2. the left hand term in parenthesis has common delimited child nodes, each of which can be
i. a taxon name which just needs: |N=leafname
ii. a Newick string which needs further processing through reiteration
function p.newickParseLevel(newickString,levelNumber,childNumber)
local cladeString = ""
local indent = p.getIndent(levelNumber)
local j=0
local k=0
j,k = string.find(newickString, '%(.*%)') -- find location of outer parenthesised term
local innerTerm = string.sub(newickString, j+1, k-1) -- select content in parenthesis
local outerTerm = string.gsub(newickString, "%b()", "") -- delete parenthetic term
cladeString = cladeString .. indent .. '|label'..childNumber..'=' .. outerTerm
cladeString = cladeString .. indent .. '|' .. childNumber..'=' .. '{{clade'
indent = p.getIndent(levelNumber)
-- protect commas in inner parentheses from split; temporarily replace commas between parentheses
local innerTerm2 = string.gsub(innerTerm, "%b()", function (n)
return string.gsub(n, ",%s*", "XXX") -- also strip spaces after commas here
local s = strsplit(innerTerm2, ",")
local i=1
while s[i] do
restoredString = string.gsub(s[i],"XXX", ",") -- convert back to commas
local outerTerm = string.gsub(restoredString, "%b()", "")
if string.find(restoredString, '%(.*%)') then
--cladeString = cladeString .. indent .. '|y' .. i .. '=' .. p.newickParseLevel(restoredString,levelNumber+1,i)
cladeString = cladeString .. p.newickParseLevel(restoredString,levelNumber,i)
cladeString = cladeString .. indent .. '|' .. i .. '=' .. restoredString --.. '(level=' .. levelNumber .. ')'
-- end -- end splitting of strings
cladeString = cladeString .. indent .. '}}'
return cladeString
function p.getIndent(levelNumber)
local indent = "\r"
local extraIndent = mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent().args['indent'] or 0
while tonumber(extraIndent) > 0 do
indent = indent .. " " -- an extra indent to make aligining compound trees easier
extraIndent = extraIndent - 1
while levelNumber > 1 do
indent = indent .. " "
levelNumber = levelNumber-1
return indent
function p.newickstuff(newickString)
function p.test(dummy)
local dataString = ""
dataString = "NEWCLADE:"
local childNumber =0
local lastNode = 0
while childNumber < 17 do -- disable moreNeeded
childNumber = childNumber + 1 -- so we start with 1
local nodeLeaf = mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent().args[tostring(childNumber)] or "" -- get data from |N=
--local nodeLabel = mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent().args['label'..tostring(childNumber)] or "" -- get data from |labelN=
if nodeLeaf ~= "" then
dataString = dataString .. tostring(childNumber)
local firstChars = string.sub(nodeLeaf, 1,2) -- get first two characters
--if nodeLabel ~= "{{{label1}}}" then
if firstChars == "{{" then
dataString = dataString .. 'XXX' .. nodeLeaf
dataString = dataString .. 'LEAF:' .. nodeLeaf
lastNode = childNumber
local numClades=0
local numBranches=0
-- _, count = string.gsub(dataString, "NEWCLADE", "NEXT")
for i in string.gmatch(dataString, "NEWCLADE") do
numClades = numClades + 1
dataString = dataString .. '<br/>(numClades=' .. numClades .. ')'
for i in string.gmatch(dataString, "LEAF") do
numBranches = numBranches + 1
dataString = dataString .. '<br/>(numClades=' .. numClades .. ')'
dataString = dataString .. '<br/>(numBranches=' .. numBranches .. ')'
--return 'numClades=' .. numClades .. '; numBranches=' .. numBranches
return dataString
function p.test2(target)
local target ="User:Jts1882/sandbox/templates/Template:Passeroidea"
local result = mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate{ title = target, args = {['style'] = '' } }
return result
-- this must be at end
return p