Parembugan Naraguna:Meursault2004/arsip-2008-I

Pamali besut

Benar pemikiran Meursault2004. Maaf ya.

Bisa tolong terjemahkan kalimat berikut dalam artikel Alkitab :

Terhitung tanggal 1 Januari 2007, terdapat 2.436 jumlah bahasa dan dialek yang telah digunakan dalam menerbitkan sedikit-dikitnya satu buku dari Alkitab. [1] Ini adalah sebuah rekor yang tersendiri, karena belum ada satu bukupun yang dapat mencapai penerjemahan yang begitu tinggi bahakan mungkin ke dalam bahasa-bahasa yang hanya dibaca oleh puluhan hingga ratusan orang. Terima kasih. Mikhailov Kirow 09:15, 2 Januari 2008 (UTC)

Maaf belum taruh ucapan di halaman pengguna Meursault2004.

Selamat Menikmati Libur Akhir Tahun

Danke Well besut

Terima kasih. Mikhailov Kirow 06:34, 4 Januari 2008 (UTC)

History Girl besut

Meursault2004, menurut saya History Girl bukan hanya aktivis, melainkan Ketua Umum (sepertinya). Kampanyenya ada di semua Wikipedia. Mikhailov Kirow 06:40, 4 Januari 2008 (UTC)

Seminar Wikipedia besut

Saya membaca sekilas berkenaan Seminar Wikipedia oleh pengguna Pras. Kapan diadakan di Jakarta? Mikhailov Kirow 06:46, 4 Januari 2008 (UTC)

Seminar Wikipedia besut

Saya berupayakan agar bisa datang. Mudah-mudahan waktunya dapat dipastikan cocok. Pukul berapa mulainya? Meursault2004, dapatkah saya mengajak teman yang bukan pengguna Wikipedia? Mikhailov Kirow 03:27, 7 Januari 2008 (UTC)

Waktunya bentrok, jadi saya tidak bisa karena ada acara pukul 06.30. Meursault2004, saya terima hasilnya saja. Keputusan apa saja yang diambil untuk kemajuan Wikipedia Indonesia, Jawa, Sunda, Bugis, dan Banyumas. Kalau rahasia hasil keputusannya, kalau boleh, dapatkah Meursault2004 mengirim via email? Terima kasih. Mikhailov Kirow 02:20, 8 Januari 2008 (UTC)
Saya mau beri usul berkenaan tanda tangan, bagaimana digunakan kata tilda sebaliknya tilde? Mikhailov Kirow 02:46, 8 Januari 2008 (UTC)
Saya belum memiliki kamus itu. Bagaimanapun terima kasih atas konfirmasinya. Mikhailov Kirow 09:05, 8 Januari 2008 (UTC)
Meursault2004, di Wikipedia:Pangurus/Panyuwunan Pangurus/TracySurya kanggo opsis 12 Januari 2008 pada bagian sub Setuju ternyata boleh mengajukan pendapat : tidak komentar, ya? Saya baru tahu. Mikhailov Kirow 03:01, 17 Januari 2008 (UTC)
Saya mau minta tolong di artikel Alkitab agar diterjemahkan, dan referensinya agar bisa muncul. Mikhailov Kirow 01:16, 28 Januari 2008 (UTC)

Kaca Panganggo besut

Terima kasih sudah menambahkannya. Maaf saya baru memperhatikannya. Mikhailov Kirow 09:09, 8 Januari 2008 (UTC)

Bantu besut

Mas bisa bantu kembangin Wikia:Ndhablek gak? (lewat sini kalau lewat id: pada curiga) untuk Babel dimana ya? Fjr ab 16:06, 8 Januari 2008 (UTC)

Re:Kopi darat besut

Matur nuwun infonipun. Kula usahaaken tumut. Citos, cekap tebih, mugi-mugi mboten macet. Mboten kendalon mangkih rampungipun nek kawiwitan jam 16.30? Tracy 07:06, 9 Januari 2008 (UTC)

Nuwun séwu, katoné aku ora bisa mèlu ngumpul2. ana acara RT he he he. sugeng warsa énggal uga (klebu warsa énggal jawa, 1 sura) ang 08:53, 9 Januari 2008 (UTC)

Qur'an besut

Mas, matur nuwun wis ngrintisaké dalan kanggo artikel2 Qur'an. ang 09:50, 18 Januari 2008 (UTC)

Pangurus besut

Waah matur nuwun atas kepercayaan mas Revi dan teman-teman semua. Jan-jane ora wani, wong durung isa apa-apa. Tak coba sak isané ya? Dengan bimbingan teman-teman semua semoga sedikit demi sedikit bisa ngayahi tugas itu. Matur nuwun. Pras 06:58, 19 Januari 2008 (UTC)

Matur nuwun Mas Meursault. Nyuwun pitedahipun nggih. Kula saweg download id:Pedoman-Pengurus. Mangkih kula pelajari sekalian mlampah. Tracy 08:29, 21 Januari 2008 (UTC)

Milis wiki-jv besut

Mas Revi, nyuwun idin, mau tak jajal gawé Milis Wiki-jv nèng kéné merga tak golèki kok durung ana. Apa kira-kira migunani??. Dhasar kengangguren, aja didukani yaa?? Salam Pras 07:54, 21 Januari 2008 (UTC)

Thanks besut

Thanks about many articles about Poland! :) It's really great. I think, the people in Indonesia don't know too much about Middle-East-Europe and Poland but you change it :) 23:43, 21 Januari 2008 (UTC)

You're welcome! Poland is probably the most well-known Central/East European country in Indonesia because of the flag! But many Indonesians are also familiar with Czechia because of their crystall products. I hope there will be interest too in Indonesia in Poland. Meursault2004ngobrol 18:22, 25 Januari 2008 (UTC)

Poland/Polen besut

Guten Tag, hoffe dass Du deutsch verstehst. Es gibt ein Problem bei Deiner Editierung polnischen Staedte. Nicht jede polnische Stadt hat einen legalen deutschen Namen. Viele Namen die Du eingetragen hast sind illegale Besatzungsnamen aus der Zeit Adolfs Hitlers und der deutschen Besatzungs Polens. Viele Namen hatten nur eine Gueltigkeit von 1941 bis januar 1945 (Befreiung von Deutschland und Adolf Hitler). Da Du aber auch diese Namen in den Titel des Artikels reinbringst entsteht ein Bild "als ob diese Nazi-besatzungsnamen ganz normale und offizielle deutsche varianten waeren". Falls Du in Zukunft so was siehst dass ein Name nur in der Zeit von 1939 bis 1945 benutzt war dann stelle es bitte nicht in den Titel rein.

Gruesse / pozdrawiam 06:54, 29 Januari 2008 (UTC)

Auch Guten Tag Herr/Frau Jetzt hoffe ich dass du englisch verstehst, denn mein kenntnis von deutsch ist nicht so gut. Thank you for letting me know this. I would like to offer my apology if this has offended. Actually I just copied the templates so in many cases the German wartime names were also copied. If I come these across, I will add the information that these are wartime names. For example in the article about Łódź I'll write:
Łódź (basa Jerman Lodsch), iku sawijining kutha ing Polandia. Nalika ing Perang Donya II (1939-1945), kutha iki dijenengaké Lipmannstadt déning kaum Nazi Jerman.

So now I am following your suggestion and moving the controversial name from the title. The reason to include these wartime names is not to offend Polish people but to give information that certain places has had many names. After all this is an encyclopaedia. Meursault2004ngobrol 15:59, 30 Januari 2008 (UTC)

Pulitik besut

Matur nuwun mas, mangga kita kroyok kémawon supados mangkénipun dados langkung standar(d?). Kula ngrèncangi sak kuwagangipun. Nuwun sèwu manawi kathah ingkang klènta-klèntu, mboten sisah sungkan langsung dipun éwahi kémawon. Praskothak pesen

Anggur lan Anggur (woh) besut

Wah Mas, kula nemu artikel ingkang dhobel punika Anggur seratanipun Pak Slamet Serayu lan Anggur (woh) seratanipun Pak Pras. Menawi badhé pun gabung, pripun caranipun? Tracygunemanku08:58, 18 Februari 2008 (UTC)

Matur nuwun. Nanging seratanipun Pak Pras kok dados mboten katon nggih? Tracygunemanku 00:51, 20 Februari 2008 (UTC)

Wah, nyuwun ngapunten punika menawi sampun ngrépoti. Tracygunemanku 06:04, 25 Februari 2008 (UTC)

Suntingan bot besut

Suntingan bot kok masih kelihatan 10:23, 25 Februari 2008 (UTC) (Fjr ab gak login)

Tapak asma besut

Matur nuwun info pencerahanné bab tanda tangan mas. Nuwun sèwu, apa iki magepokan karo proses pangusulan artikel pilihan? Rumangsaku kaca iki dudu artikel, dadi bisa diwènèhi tapak asma kanggo nadhani sapa pangusulé. Nanging yèn klèru ya nyuwun ngapura héhé. Mangga didandani apa dibusak waé. Karepku, mauné arep tiru-tiru ing id, nganggo proses pilihan déning komunitas, karebèn kaya-kaya dipikir "ramé-ramé" lan uga mènèhi kasempatan kanggo para panganggo mbokmanawa duwé usul utawa idé ngenani pamilihan artikel pilihan. Apa usul, rembugan lan panjadwalan bab artikel pilihan cukup ing kaca dhiskusi Wikipedia: Artikel pilihan? Matur nuwun. PrasKothak pos

Perkembangan besut

Mas badhé tanglet punika punapa basa Jawinipun:

  • perkembangan, berkembangnya, mengembangkan lsp sedaya ingkang nganggé tembung dhasar kembang nanging sasanèsé sekar lho.
  • terhambatnya

Nuwun. Tracygunemanku 01:15, 3 Maret 2008 (UTC)

Matur nuwun, mitulungi sanget kok. Tracygunemanku 00:16, 4 Maret 2008 (UTC)

Bot status for Purbo T besut

Hi Meursault2004,

please have a look at Wikipedia:Bot#Purbo_T, and maybe grant a bot flag for Purbo T. Thank you. -- Purodha Blissenbach 14:00, 3 Maret 2008 (UTC)

Kartini besut

Ing artikel Kartini bagéan cathetan pinggir wonten seratan mawi basa Indonésia ejaan lami. Saénipun dipunparingi terjemahanipun mawi basa Jawi punapa mboten sah nggih? Tracygunemanku 08:38, 4 Maret 2008 (UTC)

Matur nuwun sanget. Tracygunemanku 00:25, 5 Maret 2008 (UTC)

Kategori tokoh wanita besut

Apa perlu ya digawé kategori tokoh wanita? Yèn ing "artikel dhasar" mung ana daftar: wanita ing sajarah. Mbokmanawa perlu kanggo mèlu nyengkuyung upadi pengarus utamaan gender wanita. Pras 22:02, 7 Maret 2008 (UTC)

Bot flag request for Panganggo:Komputer besut

  • Bot operator: User:White Cat (Commons:User:White Cat) - En-N, Tr-4, Ja-1
  • List of botflags on other projects: Bot has a flag on wikimedia (meta,commons) wikipedia (ar, az, de, en, es, et, fr, is, ja, ku, nn, no, ru, sr, tr, uz, simple) (See: m:User:White Cat#Bots)
  • Purpose: Interwiki linking, double redirect fixing, commons delinking (for cases where commonsdelinker fails)

-- Cat chi? 23:41, 7 Maret 2008 (UTC)

Well you just made some edits and we already have relatively many bots. So we'll wait and see. Meursault2004ngobrol 23:52, 7 Maret 2008 (UTC)
I do not quite understand, you are asking me to make test edits? -- Cat chi? 00:08, 8 Maret 2008 (UTC)
Actually I meant that you make not only test edits but real edits for a period, usually one week or two weeks. On the other hand we already have lot of bots. There are about twenty of them. Meursault2004ngobrol 01:00, 8 Maret 2008 (UTC)
Okay, I see 33 double redirects. Ordered the bot to fix them. I do not know the javanese language so I may not really be able to do any manual edits. Maintaining hundreds of wikis with over 9 million articles requires many bots. Think of the bigger picture. :) is a +10,000 wiki so I think it'd need more bots. :) -- Cat chi? 01:41, 8 Maret 2008 (UTC)
Is that adequate? Bot doesn't run well w/o a flag. -- Cat chi? 01:44, 8 Maret 2008 (UTC)
Okay, I'll grant you bot status. However I have one small request. There are new articles on the Category:Gemeente ing Walanda which need interwiki links. Can you do that? Thanks. Meursault2004ngobrol 01:50, 8 Maret 2008 (UTC)
Sure. I hope to run the interwiki function of my bot in about a week though. -- Cat chi? 01:53, 8 Maret 2008 (UTC)
I am running the bot to scan for interwikilinks on all jv.wikipedia articles now. -- Cat chi? 17:14, 9 Maret 2008 (UTC)
OK, thanks. Meursault2004ngobrol 17:16, 9 Maret 2008 (UTC)
One problem, bot cannot make sense of interiwki links that link as [[:en:{{PAGENAME}}]]. These need to be subst:'ed. This seems to be a manual task. -- Cat chi? 19:49, 9 Maret 2008 (UTC)

Serat Centhini besut

Nuwun sewu mas, kula namung nyobi mendhet sakedhik-sakedhik saking id, awit karya ingkang sae lan wigatos kados serat punika kok malah dèrèng wonten, kamangka ing id lan en kémawon malah sampun wonten. Manawi klenta-klentu nyuwun pangaksami lan mangga dipun ewahi kemawon (mangke manawi wekdal panjenengan sampun sela). Matur nuwun paringipun waosan, saged kanggé nambah kawruh bab ingkang sae punika.Pras 15:48, 12 Maret 2008 (UTC)

  • nDèrèk usul mas, yèn saged nyuwun dipun damelaken navbox kanggé budaya lan sastra Jawa (kuna, anyar, modern, lsp) supados para pamaos gampil manawi badhé mlémbar-mlémbar. Conto mbokmanawi kados navbox "Seri Pulitik" wonten ing pulitik. Matur nuwun sadèrèngipun. Pras 01:40, 13 Maret 2008 (UTC)

Wikipedia:Pangurus besut

Kayane artikel Wikipedia:Pangurus kena hack?Pras 23:30, 19 Maret 2008 (UTC)

Hehe inggih mas, mampir ngintun donga sinambi motret-motret. Janipun kula mbekta buletin ringkas bab Kartini karangan kuncèn pesaréyan, wonten kisah mangsa alit Kartini ingkang lucu-lucu. Mangké kula aturaken manawi mas kersa. Kula ugi pikantuk buku "Serat Jatiswara" Struktur dan Perubahan di Puisi Jawa 1600-1930, karangan T.E. Behrend (INIS 1995), nanging boten ngertos cara nganggènipun. Mbokbilih mas ngersakaken mangke kula caosaken, manawi mangké saged kanggé nambah-nambah [[Serat Centhini].Pras 13:40, 23 Maret 2008 (UTC)

Boten buku kok mas, namung buletin tipis, nanging wonten carios mangsa alit Kartini (undang-undangan "Trinil"), lan adik-adikipun, sarta denah makam lan sawetawis silsilah, kula mbeta sawetawis copy. Kula kintun dhateng pundi?Pras 13:52, 23 Maret 2008 (UTC)

Inggih mangké kula cobi ngintun via imel, sampun dangu-dangu wonten zdek lho, hehe.Pras 14:00, 23 Maret 2008 (UTC)

Fitna besut

Dereng mas, sampun katutup sedanten. Para pejabat ing Indonesia ugi sampun ribut, sampun ngantos lolos dhateng Indonesia supados boten damel gendra. Nanging menawi artikel bab wau sakedhik wonten wiki jv rak boten punapa=punapa nggih? Supados sami pirsa lan saged njagi. Manawi mbebayani mangke dipun busak kemawon. Salam.Pras 09:32, 31 Maret 2008 (UTC)

BodhisattvaBot besut

Hi, can this bot get a flag? As it seems there are no objections at Wikipedia:Bot#BodhisattvaBot, thank you in advance --Dalibor Bosits (talk) 13:37, 31 Maret 2008 (UTC)

Javanischer Artikel über Autor Klaus Ebner besut

Hello Revi, I see that you began to write the article about the Austrian author Klaus Ebner in Javanese. Since I am working on this article in the English and German Wikis, I feel some joy about that.

If you need some help, concerning source material or linguistically (Ich finde es toll, dass du auch Deutsch verstehst - aber vielleicht kann ich bei gewissen Feinheiten weiterhelfen), then please feel free to contact me and to ask. Here is the link to my user page in the English Wiki:

Torsten Wittmann, Karlsruhe (Germany); -- 10:19, 22 April 2008 (UTC)

Hello again. Where do they complain about the article as you say? I only know of the initial discussion on the English Wiki because it was Ebner himself who kicked off the English version of the article (and two other languages, too, I guess). If you know other complaints, I'd like to know them because I am not aware of such. Thank you.

Torsten Wittmann; -- 14:44, 22 April 2008 (UTC)

I know that Irina Walter has been around for some time, often contributing to articles about Austrian literature, Ebner's is only one of them. Since she is also from Vienna, I wouldn't be surprised if she knew the author personally. Since Ebner published his first literary books last and this year (only the publications in magazines already have a long history), his audience cannot be very large at the moment. Our interest group learned about him through other authors - "Mundpropaganda" we call that in German.

Torsten Wittmann; -- 15:02, 22 April 2008 (UTC)

Good question: "stigmatized" - I didn't see that before. Basically I think it is correct to list only the literary books as works (the English version is the only one where this essay shows up), but I've mentioned the book in footnotes, which should also be ok for the author, I guess (he cannot deny he wrote it!).

Torsten Wittmann; -- 11:08, 25 April 2008 (UTC)

I see that you also translated the poem. Chapeau bas! To translate a poem is much more difficult than translating an explanatory text. Congratulations. Torsten -- 11:23, 25 April 2008 (UTC)

Since you mentioned that your Indonesian vocabulary would be larger - do you also plan to translate the article on Ebner to Indonesian, when the one in Javanese is finished? Greetings, Torsten -- 19:34, 30 April 2008 (UTC)

You are very active, wow. I "spread the word" and put the link to the Indonesian version into all other versions of the article which didn't have it yet. Seeing your activity I would also like to speak more languages in a more perfect way. However, my "good" foreign languages are only English and French - which everone learns in this country. I created the articles on Ebner in Dutch and the Nordic languages but since I don't really speak these languages, the entry is very basic and almost consists of lists only. Of course I feel some joy when I come across other people who like contemporary German or Austrian literature, and I already know that there are some, even in countries I wouldn't have expected so. Greetings, Torsten, -- 10:12, 1 Mei 2008 (UTC)

Hello. Just wanted to ask if the Sundanese article, which you wrote also, is complete. It seems shorter compared to the other languages but I can't jugde what is written there. Thanks for the info. --Torsten Wittmann 10:08, 17 Mei 2008 (UTC)

Grinning - because with Sundanese you seem to be in the same situation as I with Danish ... Greetings. --Torsten Wittmann 07:48, 19 Mei 2008 (UTC)

Re:Inkubator besut

Kula sampun nyobi tumut. Ing bageyan resep, menawi badhe nglebetaken/nyerat resep tamba/jamu jawi pun dadosaken setunggal kaliyan resep ingkang sampun wonten/panganan, punapa saenipun dipunpisah kemawon? Pripun ngenani hak ciptanipun, umpaminipun kula mendhet saking satunggaling buku. Matur nuwun sanget sampun ngemutaken :)

Sekaliyan nyuwun ngapunten, kula dereng sempat menyang Griyamedia. Mangkih menawi sampun pikantuk kalawartinipun, mesthi kula scan-aken artikelipun lan kula kintunaken Panjenengan. Tracy 08:15, 23 April 2008 (UTC)

Kula wau nyobi nyerat buku enggal prekawis Crita Rakyat/Timun Emas nanging saweg sekedik. Angsal mboten menawi nyerat crita? Menawi angsal, sampun leres dereng caranipun? Nuwun saderengipun. Tracygunemanku 22:39, 26 April 2008 (UTC)

Matur nuwun, mangkih kula tambahi anotasi. Nanging menawi mboten cocok kangge wikibooks lan langkung cocok kangge wikisource, seratan punika pun busak kemawon. Kula mangkih tak urun ing resep panganan utawi resep jampi kemawon. Tracygunemanku 08:30, 28 April 2008 (UTC)

Boso Jowo besut

Mas Revo, kulo arep nanya (jv-0), e di sini ono 3. Apa aja ? PS = Kulo niki mboten saged basa Jawi 13:22, 9 Mei 2008 (UTC)

Hello! I've just placed a formal bot status request here. Thank you. --Volkov 06:27, 15 Mei 2008 (UTC)

A little help: Ecser besut

Hi! I'm a Hungarian Wikipedia editor, my name is Norbert Kiss. I'm very proud of my village and I would like to read about it in a lot of langauges. I translated already it into 10 languages, but I can't speak Basa Jawa. Could you help me. My village's English page is this: Ecser. Could you translate the page of Ecser into Basa Jawa? Then just link the side into the English version and I will see it, or you could write me, when it is ready. My hungarian Wikipedia side is: My profile. Or my e-mail is:

Thank you! Norbert

Greetings from Bali besut

Hi Revi,

I have an account here, too, now. I'm going to create the same anti-impersonation accounts here and would like you to block them. I'll leave links after I've set things up. Cheers. Jack Merridew 11:44, 30 Mei 2008 (UTC)

logs and histories should be quite clear; please block them sans-autoblock. The ones on id.wp, too. Cheers, Jack Merridew 12:09, 30 Mei 2008 (UTC)

Ganti jeneng besut

Mas aku pingin ganti jenengku seka Panganggo:Biyan-to ning panganggo:beeyan, soale aku wis gawe akun jagat. matur nuwun sanget--Biyan-to 02:26, 3 Juni 2008 (UTC)

ora eneng ik mas..gajal kirimno maneh--Biyan-to 05:04, 9 Juni 2008 (UTC)

Kulon lan kilen besut

Mas, punika wonten malih ingkang kedah dipungabung: Kulon lan Kilen. Tracygunemanku 03:19, 3 Juni 2008 (UTC)

Matur nuwun sanget ;) Tracygunemanku 08:19, 3 Juni 2008 (UTC)

Usurpasi kanggo SUL besut

Aku wis njajal ngajokaké permohonan usurpasi ing id lan ing en. Maca cathetan ing en aku tansaya bingung. Uniné: Note:

The target username meets the requirements for usurpation.
The current owner of the target username has been notified of this usurpation request.
The current owner of the target username does not have an email address specified.
User has 0 undeleted edits, 0 deleted edits, and 0 total edits. Requesting user has 421 edits. ClueBot VI (talk) 03:03, 2 June 2008 (UTC)
On hold - If you want to transfer the contributions you made as Pras68 , you will need to ask a steward to delete your global account before you can be renamed locally. Requests can be made at m:SR/SUL. If not, the current User:Pras can be moved out of the way, allowing you to login with that name. WjBscribe 09:11, 2 June 2008 (UTC)
This accounts has no errors so is not affected by the bug so if brought to m:SR/SUL, it can be deleted :) ..--Cometstyles 00:21, 3 June 2008 (UTC)

Nyuwun pamrayoga, matur nuwun.Praswicara13:06, 3 Juni 2008 (UTC)

Matur nuwun, wah kilat. Mangke kula cobi nyuwun dhateng steward ing meta. Wonten ing meta kedah login utawi damel akun rumiyin?? Salam.Pras 13:34, 3 Juni 2008 (UTC)

Nuwun sewu dereng saged login wonten ing steward meta, hehe, kula cobi pras utawi pras68 kok mboten saged nggih?? Lajeng mangke menawi sampun login ingkang dipun suwunaken supados dipun hapus akun global pras punapa akun Pras68?? kawatos klentu. Matur nuwun,Pras 13:46, 3 Juni 2008 (UTC)

Perkembangan SUL kangge Pras dipun pendhing wonten mriki. Suraosipun makaten: Unfortunately you have one automatically created account on id.wikipedia. This account might get lost so that you will not be able to login to that wiki anymore if we delete your global account. Therefore I recommend you to wait until bugzilla:14330 is fixed. Thank you. --Thogo (talk) 21:05, 3 June 2008 (UTC). Kamangka user Pras ing Id sapunika rak sampun kasil dipun usurp, kados pundi nggih salajengipun? Cariosipun manawi dipun pendhing punika saged dangu sanget? Nyuwun pitedah, matur nuwun tansah ngrépotaken. Pras(Wicara)11:44, 4 Juni 2008 (UTC)

Matur nuwun.Pras(Wicara)00:59, 5 Juni 2008 (UTC)

Sitenotice besut

Maaf, tidak menggunakan basa Jawa ^^ Saya mau informasikan bahwa ketika kita mengubah MediaWiki:Sitenotice, kita juga harus menaikkan angka yang ada di MediaWiki:Sitenotice id. Sebagai contoh, Sitenotice id sekarang nilainya 0, harus dinaikkan menjadi 1. Ini untuk mengantisipasi tombol [tutup], yang tergantung pada id tersebut. Kalau nanti ada pengguna yang di cache-nya masih tersimpan id=0, maka kalau Sitenotice berubah, pengumumannya tidak akan tampil di penjelajah webnya. Nanti kalau Sitenotice berubah lagi, naikkan Sitenotice id menjadi 2, dan seterusnya. REX 23:51, 9 Juni 2008 (UTC)

Sepak bola vs bal-balan besut

Kula nggih radi bingung bab punika. Manawi ing kitha mbokmanawi sampun biasa nganggé istilah sépak bola, nanging manawi wonten tlatah padésan kadosipun langkung limrah nganggé istilah bal-balan. Kula padosi wonten sawetawis kamus kasilipun kados makaten:

  1. Kamus Poerwadarminto: bal-balan = dolanan bal, sépak raga = bal-balan
  2. Kamus Basa Jawa (Tim Yogya): bal-balan = dolanan bal, sépak bola mboten wonten, wontenipun sépak raga, mawi bal rotan.
  3. Kamus Pepak Basa Jawa ((Slamet Mulyono): namung wonten bal = bola
  4. Kamus Indonesia daerah (Sugiarto): Sepak bola= bal-balan (jv), main bola (Bali), sèpak bola/maèn bal (Su), bal-balan (Madura)

Kula kinten mangga kersa saénipun kémawon, nanging manawi seragam kadosipun langkung saé. Mbokmanawi ing tembé wingking saged dipun pilih ugi istilah kanggé olahraga sanèsipun kados, Bola basket (baskèt?), bola volli (voli?), bola kranjang, bola tangan, softball, baseball, bulutangkis (badminton?), tenis meja (ping pong?), tenis lapangan (tènis?), bola sodok (bilyar?), bola gelinding (boling?) lsp. Makaten sementawis pamanggih kawula. Matur nuwun.Pras 00:46, 10 Juni 2008 (UTC)

Katingalipun istilah sépak bola punika mendhet saking basa Melayu "Bola Sepak"?, kamangka manawi jarwa langsung saking football kedahipun rak "bola kaki", lajeng dipun "Jawè"aken dados "bal-sikil" (just kidding). Manawi "bola voli" kula kinten saénipun namung dados voli kémawon nggih?, varianipun lajeng: main voli, tandhing voli, kajuwaraan voli, semanten ugi bola basket, mbokmanawi langkung prasaja dados "baskèt" kemawon. Matur nuwun. Pras(Wicara)11:40, 10 Juni 2008 (UTC)

Gak pake basa Jawa: MediaWiki:Sitenotice nya ga' diganti? IVP 11:34, 22 Juni 2008 (UTC)

MediaWiki:Sitenotice idnya? oh iya kalau gambar dari itu lisensi nya apa ya? IVP 12:05, 22 Juni 2008 (UTC)

Gabung kaca Barcelona besut

Mengko yèn wis rada lodhang wektuné, nyuwun tulung nggabungaké kaca Barcelona karo FC Barcelona ya mas Revi, amarga loro-loroné wis kadhung duwé sejarah kaca. Matur nuwun.Pras 23:16, 30 Juni 2008 (UTC)

Aduh iya é, dhasar wis fikun..hehe, matur nuwun, untung mas teliti. Sugeng makarya.Pras 09:14, 1 Juli 2008 (UTC)

Lambang Kabupaten Banyumas besut

Hi Revi, I uploaded an image of yours to commons, tweaking the name on the way;

then I found this, also yours, with the same name I used on commons…

I'm not sure which image should be used for infoboxes. I expect they should both go to commons. Advice? FYI, I have also asked at Commons:User talk:PatríciaR#Lambang (a commons'crat), so you may want to chip-in there. Cheers, Jack Merridew 13:18, 3 Juli 2008 (UTC)

Cheers, Jack Merridew 13:31, 3 Juli 2008 (UTC)

Patrícia commented further on Commons. I think we should go with the higher-res version with a slight rotation-tweak. The low-res but bright version should get parked at another name i.e w/"-low-res" on the end. Are you fine with me just taking a stab at sorting it all out? I very much want to undo the naming conflict between the jv:Gambar and the commons:Image. Once on commons, the jv one should be deleted to un-mask the one on commons (which would then be the high-res one, rotated). This would also get the image into use on a number of other wikis. Cheers, Jack Merridew 12:42, 4 Juli 2008 (UTC)

This is done;

I did all this by uploading over Commons:Image:Lambang Kabupaten Banyumas.png; hope this isn't a licensing no-no. And I just saw you delete the first dupe on jv, so we're done; Gambar:Lambang Banyumas.jpg needs to go, too. Cheers, Jack Merridew 09:31, 7 Juli 2008 (UTC)

Bali menyang kacané "Meursault2004/arsip-2008-I".