Danger dog yaiku oalah-olahan hotdog panas sing wis dibungkus daging lan digoreng . Dadi ing bun segawon panas kanthi macem-macem topping. Uga dikenal minangka asu panas sing dibungkus daging, mula didol karo PKL ing Meksiko. Asal-usule wis diselehake ing Tijuana [1] utawa Hermosillo, [2] asale disajikake ing bolillo tinimbang roti asu panas.

Danger dog
A deep-fried, bacon wrapped "Jersey breakfast dog"
Jeneng liyanéBacon-wrapped hot dog
JinisHot dog
Panggonan asalMexico
Tlatah utawa prajaTijuana or Hermosillo
Woworan pokokHot dog, bacon, hot dog bun, various toppings
VariasiJersey breakfast dog, francheezie
Buku masakan: Danger dog  Médhia: Danger dog

Asu bebaya saiki didol dening PKL lan ing restoran ing wilayah kutha ing Amerika Serikat kayata Los Angeles, San Francisco, lan New York City. [3] [4] [5]

Istilah "asu bebaya" asale saka reputasi asu panas kaya kualitas murah, amarga asring didol dening PKL kanthi lisensi.



  1. Rosenstrauch, Dan (June 19, 2011). "It's a Dog, It's Bacon, It's a 'Danger Dog'", Contra Costa Times. Archived from the original on January 16, 2013. Retrieved November 13, 2015.
  2. Castellanos, Dalina (June 24, 2015). "How L.A. Destroyed Northern Mexico's Bacon-Wrapped Hot Dogs", Munchies. Retrieved November 13, 2015.
  3. Lovett, Ian (December 3, 2013). "Food Carts in Los Angeles Come Out of the Shadows", New York Times. Retrieved December 6, 2013. "But despite the ubiquity of “danger dogs,” the bacon-wrapped hot dogs that sizzle on sidewalk griddles outside Lakers games and concert venues, almost all street vending has remained entirely illegal here."
  4. "Danger Dogs: Blurring the Line Between Work and Play", Gastronomy, September 13, 2010. Retrieved November 13, 2015.
  5. Landers, Jackson (August 4, 2016). "Danger Dogs: The Secret History of LA's Favorite Street Food", Thrillist. Retrieved August 7, 2016.
  6. "60 Things Worth Shortening Your Life For", Esquire, February 16, 2008. Retrieved November 13, 2015.