Cithakan:Seder plateLemari ruangan, haroset, utawa charoises (basa Ibrani :חֲרֽוֹסֶת t]) punika olahan kang manis, peteng-colored tempel digawe saka woh-wohan lan perkakas dipangan ing Paskah Seder . Werna lan teksturé kanggo ngelingi mortir (utawa lendhut sing digunakake kanggo nggawe bata adobe) sing digunakake wong Israel nalika dijaluk ing Mesir Kuno kaya sing kasebut ing Tractate Pesahim (kaca 116a) Talmud, sing ujar "Tembung" charoset " asale saka tembung Ibrani cheres - חרס - "lempung."

Jeneng liyanéDukeh[1]
AjanganSweet relish
Panggonan asalLand of Israel
Tlatah utawa prajaJewish Diaspora, Ashkenaz, Sepharad, Israel
Woworan pokokApples, Pears, Raisins, Figs, Orange juice, Red wine, Pine nuts and Cinnamon
VariasiDates, Walnuts, Sesame, Wine vinegar, Cinnamon, Black pepper, Marjoram
Buku masakan: Charoset  Médhia: Charoset
Haroset gaya Ashkenazi digawe saka apel, kenari, anggur abang lan kayu manis

Variasi modern


Ing taun 2015 es krim Ben & Jerry dadi akeh kasedhiya ing Israel lan diliputi ing sawetara ana ing toko warta utama. [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]


  1. The word is also mentioned in the Jerusalem Talmud (Pesahim 10:3), Leiden MS., where it states:
    "The merchants of Jerusalem used to say: 'Come and take-up for yourselves spices for the festive occasion!' Those of the family of Issi, in the name of Issi [their father] would say, 'Why is it called Dukeh? It is because she pounds (Heb. dakah) [the condiments in the mortar] with him (i.e. husband)'."
  2. "Ben & Jerry's Haroset Flavored Ice Cream". The Times of Israel. Dibukak ing 2016-04-12.
  3. "Ben And Jerry's Sells Charoset-Flavored Ice Cream Just In Time For Passover". The Huffington Post. Dibukak ing 2016-04-12.
  4. "Forget Cherry Garcia. How about Ben and Jerry's Passover ice cream?". Public Radio International (ing basa Inggris Amérika Sarékat). Dibukak ing 2016-04-12.
  5. "Charoset Ben & Jerry's: Who's brave enough to try?". The Jerusalem Post | Dibukak ing 2016-04-12.
  6. JTA (2015-03-25). "Ben & Jerry's Charoset Flavor and 10 More Passover Ice Cream Ideas". Haaretz (ing basa Inggris). Dibukak ing 2016-04-12.
  7. "Charoset-flavored Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream Exists in Israel, and Yes its Kosher for Passover". Dibukak ing 2016-04-12.