Chipwich minangka sandwich es krim sing digawe saka es krim ing antarane rong cookie chip coklat lan chip coklat sing digulung. [1] Jeneng lan logo Chipwich ditandhani karo Crave Better Foods, LLC sing dununge ing Cos Cob, Connecticut . [2] [3]

Foto studio sandwich es krim Chipwich

Asli, digawe dening Amerika Richard LaMotta lan Sam Metzger (1942 – 2010) ing New York City ing taun 1978, digawe saka es krim vanilla sing disendhang karo rong cookie chip coklat, sing sisihane digulung ing chip coklat, sing nemplek karo es krim [4]


  1. The original brand has been purchased several times. Chocolate Chipwiches by Susan Whetzel is one example of a chipwich recipe.
  2. Crave Better Foods, LLC is the record holder of the CHIPWICH trademark: Serial No. 85051032, Registration No. 4062133.
  3. Bennett, Macaela J. (2018-06-27). "Greenwich resident brings back the Chipwich". GreenwichTime. Diarsip saka sing asli ing 2019-07-12. Dibukak ing 2019-07-12.
  4. "Dividends: War of the Chocolate Chips". Time. 1981-09-28. Dibukak ing 2014-07-28.