"Feminazi" yaiku istilah sindiran sing dikanggo nyebut kaum feminis sing dideleng ekstrim utawa radikal,[1][2] wadon sing dideleng pengin ngaluwihi lanang (tinimbang kasetaraan),[3] utawa ngarani kabeh feminis.[4][5][6][7]

Kampanye nulak feminazi

Panganggoan tembung kapisan asline saka 1989 lan dipopulerke dening penggawa acara bincang-bincang radio politik konsevatif Rush Limbaugh ing wiwit 1990an. Tembung kasebut menika lakuran saka pangucapan feminis lan Nazi.


  1. Masalah sitiran: Tenger <ref> ora trep; ora ana tèks tumrap refs kanthi jeneng m-w1
  2. Linguistic politics and language usage in the debate on "Political Correctness" Archived 2014-01-01 at the Wayback Machine. by Peter Skutta
  3. "The Rules of Feminism". The Huffington Post.
  4. Ferree, Myra Max (2005-02-17). "Soft Repression: Ridicule, Stigma, and Ailencing in Gender-based Movements". Ing Myers, Daniel J.; Cress, Daniel M. (èd.). Authority in Contention. Research in Social Movements, Conflicts and Change. Vol. 25. Emerald Group Publishing. kc. 90. ISBN 978-0-7623-1037-1. ISSN 0163-786X. Dibukak ing 2012-03-03. More recently, consider the term 'feminazi' that Rush Limbaugh coined to ridicule feminists...
  5. "Angry Feminazis and Manhaters: How Women Develop Positive Feminist Identities in the Face of Stigma" Archived 2014-01-01 at the Wayback Machine. by April Dye for the Association for Women in Psychology Abstract: "Popular culture often portrays feminists as 'feminazisCithakan:'".
  6. Katz, Jackson (2006). The Macho Paradox: Why Some Men Hurt Women and how All Men Can Help. Sourcebooks. kc. 177. ISBN 9781402253768. So when Limbaugh stigmatizes feminists by calling them names like 'feminazi,' he is attacking those women who have been most successful...[pranala mati permanèn]
  7. Wilson, John K. (March 1, 2011). "Bitches, Butt Boys, and Feminazis: Limbaugh's Sexism and Homophobia". The Most Dangerous Man in America: Rush Limbaugh’s Assault on Reason. Macmillan. kc. 56. ISBN 9780312612146. OL 24385112M. When asked in 1995 about the term "feminazi," he declared: "It's the way I look at the feminist movement." Limbaugh referred to the National Center for Women and Policing and the Feminist Majority Foundation as "feminazis." So it's not just twenty-five individuals, but every single feminist organization, its leaders, and millions upon millions of Americans with the same views whom Limbaugh compares to Nazis.

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