Kobalt iku sawijining anasir kimiah kanthi cihna Co lan nomer atom 27. Kaya nikel, kobalt ditemokaké ing Bumi kanthi bentuké campuran, sing sumber asalé saka mètèorit wesi. sipat iku atos, kemeling, lan wernané klawu wesi.
Cobalt, 27 Co Pangucapan i [ 1] Wujud hard lustrous bluish gray metal Bobot atom standar (A r, standard ) 7001589331940000000♠ 58.933194 (4)[ 2]
Atomic number (Z ) 27 Group group 9 Period period 4 Element category transition metal Blok d-block Konfigurasi èlèktron [Ar ] 3d7 4s2 Electrons per shell
2, 8, 15, 2 Phase at STP solid Melting point 1768 K (1495 °C, 2723 °F) Boiling point 3200 K (2927 °C, 5301 °F) Density (near r.t. ) 8.90 g/cm3 when liquid (at m.p. ) 8.86 g/cm3 Heat of fusion 16.06 kJ/mol Heat of vaporization 377 kJ/mol Molar heat capacity 24.81 J/(mol·K) Vapor pressure
P (Pa)
1 k
10 k
100 k
at T (K)
Oxidation states −3, −1, +1, +2 , +3 , +4, +5[ 3] (an amphoteric oxide) Electronegativity Pauling scale: 1.88 Ionization energies 1st: 760.4 kJ/mol 2nd: 1648 kJ/mol 3rd: 3232 kJ/mol (more ) Atomic radius empirical: 125 pm Covalent radius Low spin: 126±3 pm High spin: 150±7 pm Crystal structure hexagonal close-packed (hcp) Speed of sound thin rod 4720 m/s (at 20 °C) Thermal expansion 13.0 µm/(m·K) (at 25 °C) Thermal conductivity 100 W/(m·K) Electrical resistivity 62.4 nΩ·m (at 20 °C) Magnetic ordering ferromagnetic Young's modulus 209 GPa Shear modulus 75 GPa Bulk modulus 180 GPa Poisson ratio 0.31 Mohs hardness 5.0 Vickers hardness 1043 MPa Brinell hardness 470–3000 MPa CAS Number 7440-48-4 Discovery and first isolationGeorg Brandt (1735)
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