Licuados (uga dikenal sacara regional minangka batidos ) ya iku omben-omben campuran buatan tangan Amérika Latin sing padha karo smoothie, digawe saka susu, woh, lan biasane es. [1] Padha uga kadhangkala disebut " preparados " (tegese "disiapake"). [2] Licuados lan ombenan jus woh seger liyane ana ing ngendi-endi ing saindhenging Meksiko . [3] Padha didol dening pedagang kaki lima, lan ing toko licuado khusus, restoran, lan fruterias (restoran khusus ing woh-wohan seger).

Sarapan gaya Meksiko karo licuado

[4] [5]


  1. Maylin De Leon. "Licuados the "Latin Licuado" Finds its Place in American Culture". Los Angeles Splash Magazine.
  2. Elaine Louie (1996-06-12). "Cool Drinks From Hot Climes, From Batido to Sinh To". New York Times.
  3. Wes Marshall (2000-08-18). "The Traditional Drinks of Mexico". The Austin Chronicle.
  4. Wes Marshall (2000-08-18). "The Traditional Drinks of Mexico". The Austin Chronicle.
  5. Christine Day. "Our Coolers Are the Coolest". Vegetarian Resource Group.