Enzim Restriksi: Béda antara owahan

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Kaca énggal: {{Inuseuntil|28 Pebruari 2013}} Gambar:EcoRV Restriction Site.rsh.svg|thumb|right|A palindromic recognition site reads the same on the reverse strand as it does on the forward str...
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[[Gambar:EcoRV Restriction Site.rsh.svg|thumb|right|A palindromic recognition site reads the same on the reverse strand as it does on the forward strand when both are read in the same orientation]]
[[Gambar:EcoRI restriction enzyme recognition site.svg|90px]]
whereas SmaI restriction enzyme cleavage produces "blunt" ends:
[[Gambar:SmaI restriction enzyme recognition site.svg|90px]]
'''Enzim restriksi''' utawi '''endonuklease restriksi''' inggih punika [[enzim]] ingkang motong [[molekul]] [[DNA]].<ref name="biomed"/> Enzim ini memotong DNA pada rangka [[gula]]-[[fosfat]] tanpa merusak basa.<ref name="biomed">http://www.bio-medicine.org/biology-definition/Restriction_enzyme/#External_links</ref> Setiap enzim mempunyai [[sekuens]] pengenalan yang unik pada utas DNA, biasanya sepanjang 4-6 [[pasang basa]].<ref name="Philips">Philips T. 2010. Restriction Enzymes Explained. [terhubung berkala]. http://biotech.about.com/od/proteinengineering/a/restrictenz.htm [3 Apr 2010].</ref>