Sarah Bernhardt

Sarah Bernhardt (Prancis: [saʁa bɛʁnɑʁt];[cathetan 1] lair Henriette-Rosine Bernard; 22 utawa 23 Oktober 1844 – 26 Maret 1923) yaiku aktris panggung Prancis sing mbintangi drama-drama Prancis sing paling misuwur ing pungkasan abad kaping 19 lan wiwitan abad kaping 20, kaya ta La Dame Aux Camelias dening Alexandre Dumas, fils; Ruy Blas dening Victor Hugo; Fédora lan La Tosca dening Victorien Sardou; lan L'Aiglon dening Edmond Rostand. Dhèwèké uga main peran lanang, kaya ta Hamlet karangane Shakespeare. Rostand nyebat dhéwéké "ratu pose lan putri gèstur", nalika Hugo muji "swara emasé". Dhéwéké nglakoni pirang-pirang tur teater ing saindenging jagad, lan minangka salah sawijining aktris sing misuwur sing nggawe rekaman swara lan mbintangi film.

Sarah Bernhardt
Bernhardt ing taun 1880
LairHenriette-Rosine Bernard
22/23 Oktober 1844
Paris, Karajan Prancis
Pati26 Maret 1923(1923-03-26) (umur 78)
Paris, Républik Katelu Prancis
Taun aktif1862–1922
BojoAmbroise Aristide Damala
(o. 1882; mati 1889)
Tandha tangan







Works cited

  • Bernhardt, Sarah (2000). Ma double vie . Paris: Libretto. ISBN 978-2-7529-0750-9.
  • Bernhardt, Sarah (2017) [1923]. L'art du théâtre: la voix, le geste, la prononciation . Paris: la Coopérative. ISBN 9791095066088. OCLC 981938318.
  • Duckett, Victoria (2015). Seeing Sarah Bernhardt: Performance and Silent Film. Urbana/Chicago, Ill.: University of Illinois Press. ISBN 9780252081163. OCLC 944318596.
  • Gold, Arthur & Fizdale, Robert (1991). The Divine Sarah: A Life of Sarah Bernhardt. New York: Knopf. ISBN 0394528794. OCLC 966037749.
  • Gottlieb, Robert (2010). Sarah: The Life of Sarah Bernhardt. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press. ISBN 978-03-0019-2599. OCLC 813393485.
  • Skinner, Cornelia Otis (1967). Madame Sarah. New York: Houghton-Mifflin. OCLC 912389162.
  • Snel, Harmen (2007). The Ancestry of Sarah Bernhardt: A Myth Unraveled. Dipertal déning Alfred Willis. Amsterdam: Joods Historisch Museum. ISBN 9789080202931. OCLC 237204074. "On the occasion of the exhibition 'Sarah Bernhardt: The Art of High Drama', 15 June till 16 September 2007 in the Jewish Historical Museum, Amsterdam".{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: postscript (link)
  • Tierchant, Hélène (2009). Sarah Bernhardt: Madame "quand même". Paris: Éditions Télémaque. ISBN 9782753300927. OCLC 2753300925.