Kafe bonfire (uga dikenal minangka kopi tawa, topi Plot, utawa Tom Trot ) yaiku sawijining olahan kuwé kopi sing rapuh lan rapuh sing ana gandhengane karo Halloween lan Guy Fawkes Night (uga dikenal kanthi jeneng "Night Bonfire") ing Inggris . [1] [2] Toffe rasane treacle ireng ( molase ), lan versi murah bisa uga pait. Ing Skotlandia, perawatan kasebut dikenal minangka claggum, kanthi versi sing kurang manis diarani clack . [3] Ing Wales, dikenal minangka loshin du . [4] (losin du utawa taffi triog). Rasane padha karo rempah - rempah butterscotch, sanajan wujude kopi lan ora mung cairan kental. [5]

Bonfire toffee
Jeneng liyanéTreacle toffee, plot toffee, Tom Trot, claggum, clack
Panggonan asalUnited Kingdom
Woworan pokokButter or margarine, molasses, sugar
Buku masakan: Bonfire toffee  Médhia: Bonfire toffee

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  1. Keating, "Where to Get the Best Treacle Toffee,"[pranala mati permanèn] The Times, October 20, 2007.
  2. "Toffee is also the name given to a confection of sugar and butter boiled to hard crack, associated with both Halloween and Guy Fawkes Night." Mason, Food Culture in Great Britain, 2004, p. 187.
  3. Macleod, Scots Thesaurus, 1999, p. 215; Griffiths, A Dictionary of North East Dialect, 2005, p. 32.
  4. Freeman, First Catch Your Peacock: Her Classic Guide to Welsh Food, 1996, p. 426
  5. Jackson, Sugar Confectionery Manufacture, 1999, p. 312.