Joseph Hayne Rainey (lair ing Georgetown, Carolina Kidul, Amerika Sarekat, 21 Juni 1832 – pati ing Georgetown, Carolina Kidul, Amerika Sarekat, 1 Agustus 1887 ing umur 55 taun) yaiku pulitikus Amerika Sarekat. Ia menika wong kulit ireng pertami sing ngejabat ing DPR Amerika Sarekat lan wong kulit ireng kaloro (sawise Hiram Revels) sing ngejabat ing Kongres Amerika Sarekat.

Joseph Rainey

Bacaan tambahan

  • Packwood, Cyril Outerbridge (1977). Detour—Bermuda, Destination—U.S. House of Representatives: The Life of Joseph Hayne Rainey. Hamilton, Bermuda: Baxter's.
  • "Joseph Hayne Rainey", in Black Americans in Congress, 1870–2007, Office of History & Preservation, U. S. House of Representatives. Washington: Government Printing Office, 2008.; Holt, Thomas.
  • "Rainey, Joseph Hayne", in Dictionary of American Negro Biography, edited by Rayford W. Logan and Michael R. Winston. New York: Norton and Co., 1982.

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