Kaviar: Béda antara owahan

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Larik 11:
Muturut [[FAO|FAO]]<nowiki/>né [[Pasarékatan Bangsa-Bangsa|PBB]], endhog iwak apa waé sing dudu spésies Acipenseriformes (kaya ta Acipenseridae, utawa iwak sturgéon ''sensu stricto'', lan Polyodontidae utawa iwak kayuh) ora bisa ingaran kaviar, nanging "gantining kaviar."<ref>"Roe coming from a fish other than Acipenseriformes is not caviar, and is often classified as «caviar substitute»." in [http://www.fao.org/docrep/006/y5261e/y5261e06.htm Catarci, Camillo (2004), "Sturgeons (Acipenseriformes)", in ''World markets and industry of selected commercially-exploited aquatic species with an international conservation profile'', FAO Fisheries Circulars - C990, FAO Corporate Document Repository, Fisheries and Aquaculture Department.]</ref> Gantha iki uga dipinangkani déning [[CITES|Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora]],<ref>"Caviar: processed roe of Acipenseriformes species." in [http://www.cites.org/eng/res/12/12-07R13.shtml CITES (2002), "Annex 1 - CITES guidelines for a universal labelling system for the trade in and identification of caviar", in ''Resolution Conf. 12.7 - Conservation of and trade in sturgeons and paddlefish'', Twelfth meeting of the Conference of the Parties, Santiago (Chile), 3-15 November 2002.]</ref> [[World Wildlife Fund|World Wide Fund for Nature]],<ref>"Caviar is made from the unfertilized eggs of female sturgeon and paddlefish, among the oldest and largest species of fish living on earth." in [http://www.worldwildlife.org/what/globalmarkets/wildlifetrade/item5684.html World Wide Fund for Nature, Wildlife Trade - Caviar Trade FAQs.]</ref> United States Customs Service,<ref>"The United States of America Custom Service (US Customs & Border Protection, 2004) defines caviar thus: Caviar is the eggs or roe of sturgeon preserved with salt. </ref> lan nagara [[Prancis]].<ref>[http://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/affichTexte.do;jsessionid=46BF33411922BE7C1609CEB7AC30A027.tpdjo08v_3?cidTexte=LEGITEXT000006056141&dateTexte=20100202 Arrêté du 23 février 2007] (NOR: DEVN0750874A; Version consolidée au 06 mai 2007), Article 1: "a) Caviar : oeufs non fécondés, traités, des espèces d'acipensériformes dont la liste figure en annexe du présent arrêté;".</ref>
Istilah iki uga kanggo nagndharaké panganan-panganan sing wujudé mèmper kaviar, kaya ta "kaviar térong" (kagawé saka térong) lan "Kaviar téksastèksas" (kagawé saka kacang polong).
== Variétas ==