Gurat sisi: Béda antara owahan

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Tanpa ringkesan besutan
Larik 4:
Gegayutan karo fungsine, gurat sisi nduweni peran penting ing orientasi lingkungan, [[perilaku]] nggrombol, lan uga [[predasi]]. [[Pemangsa|Ikan pemangsa]] tuladhane, kanthi nggunakake gurat sisi, bisa ngindra lan nglacak mangsane lumantar jejak [[vorteks]], yaiku kaya dene turbulensi banyu kang ditinggalake iwak nalika nglangi cepet.
== Catatan kaki ==
== Referensi ==
*{{cite book |last1=Popper |first1=A. N. |first2=C. |last2=Platt |year=1993 |chapter=Inner ear and lateral line of bony fishes |editor1-first=D. H |editor1-last=Evans |title=The Physiology of Fishes |edition=1st |publisher=CRC Press |isbn=978-0-8493-8042-6 |pages=99–136}}
*{{cite book |last1=Schellart |first1=Nico A. M. |first2=René J. |last2=Wubbels |year=1998 |chapter=The Auditory and Mechanosensory Lateral Line System |chapterurl= |editor1-first=David Hudson |editor1-last=Evans |title=The Physiology of Fishes |edition=2nd |publisher=CRC Press |isbn=978-0-8493-8427-1 |pages=283–312}}
{{Commonscat|Lateral line system}}
[[Category:Anatomi hewan]]
[[Category:Perilaku hewan]]