Proteomika: Béda antara owahan

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[[Gambar:protein pattern analyzer.jpg|300px|thumb|right|Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI), alat yang digunakan untuk mempelajari protein.]]
'''Protèomika''' ménika kajian sécara molékular kaliyan sédaya [[protein]] ingkang dipunhasilakén saking [[ekspresi genetik|ekspresi gen]] ing [[sel (biologi)|sel]], utaminipun ngenai struktur saha mupangatipun .<ref name="pmid9740045">{{cite journal |author=Anderson NL, Anderson NG |title=Proteome and proteomics: new technologies, new concepts, and new words |journal=Electrophoresis |volume=19 |issue=11 |pages=1853–61 |year=1998 |pmid=9740045 |doi=10.1002/elps.1150191103}}</ref><ref name="pmid10189717">{{cite journal |author=Blackstock WP, Weir MP |title=Proteomics: quantitative and physical mapping of cellular proteins |journal=Trends Biotechnol. |volume=17 |issue=3 |pages=121–7 |year=1999 |pmid=10189717| doi = 10.1016/S0167-7799(98)01245-1}}</ref> sedaya protein ing salebeting sel dados ''proteom''.<ref name="wilkins1996" /> Istilah ''proteomik'' ingkang wiwit dipuntepang ing tahun 1997,ugi dipundamel adedasar analogi [[genetika]] kangge ilmi kangge pasianaon babagan [[gen]].<ref>{{cite journal |author=P. James |title=Protein identification in the post-genome era: the rapid rise of proteomics.|journal=Quarterly reviews of biophysics|volume=30 |issue=4|pages=279–331 |year=1997 |pmid=9634650 |doi=10.1017/S0033583597003399}}</ref> kangge istilah ''proteom'' piyambak, saking gabungan istilah protein lan [[genom]] ingkang dipunkemukaaken déning [[Marc Wilkins]] ing tahun [[1994]] ing wekdal, mendet gelar PhD.<ref name="wilkins1996">{{cite journal |author=Marc R. Wilkins, Christian Pasquali, Ron D. Appel, Keli Ou, Olivier Golaz, Jean-Charles Sanchez, Jun X. Yan, Andrew. A. Gooley, Graham Hughes, Ian Humphery-Smith, Keith L. Williams & Denis F. Hochstrasser|title=From Proteins to Proteomes: Large Scale Protein Identification by Two-Dimensional Electrophoresis and Arnino Acid Analysis|journal=Nature Biotechnology |volume=14 |issue=1 |pages=61–65 |year=1996 |pmid=9636313 |doi=10.1038/nbt0196-61|accessdate=2009-01-15}}</ref><ref>[ UNSW Staff Bio: Professor Marc Wilkins]</ref> Salah satu alat yang umumnya digunakan untuk ilmu ini adalah ''matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization'' (MALDI).<ref name="Klopfleisch1">{{cite journal | author =Klopfleisch R, Gruber AD.| title = Increased expression of BRCA2 and RAD51 in lymph node metastases of canine mammary adenocarcinomas.| journal = Veterinary Pathology | volume = 46 | issue = 3 | pages =416–22 | year = 2009 | pmid = 19176491| doi=10.1354/vp.08-VP-0212-K-FL}}</ref>