Discovery Channel
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Discovery Channel ya iku saluran TV kabel lan satelit kang didistribusikaké déning Discovery Communications kang nyediakaké program non-fiksi berfokus ing ngèlmu kawruh, sajarah, lan alam.
Discovery Channel | |
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Slogan | The World is Just...Awesome |
Diluncuraké | 17 Juni 1985 |
Sing duwé | Discovery Communications, Inc. |
Kantor pusat | Silver Spring, Maryland |
Saluran afiliasi | TLC, Animal Planet, Discovery Health Channel, Travel Channel, Discovery Times, Discovery Kids, The Science Channel, Discovery Home, Military Channel, Discovery Wings, Discovery Civilisation, Discovery Real Time, Discovery Travel & Living, Discovery Home and Health, Discovery en Español, Discovery HD Theater |
Situs web | |
Discovery Channel ya iku jaringan TV kabel kang paling akèh didistribusikaké ing Amérikah Sarékat,[1] njangkau punjul 92 yuta penonton, lan ing kabèh donya mèh 431 yuta penonton ing 170 nagara lan wewengkon.[2] Discovery Channel dapat ditangkap antara lain di Britania Raya, Australia, Jepang, Taiwan, India dan nagara-nagara lainnya.[3]
besutDiscovery Channel diluncuraké ing taun 1985 minangka saluran andalan Discovery Communications kang saiki nawaraké 29 jaringan sajeroning 33 basa. Program kang kondhang ing Discovery Channel kaya ta: Shark Week, program tahunan ngenani iwak hiu; Deadliest Catch, seputar penangkapan kepiting ing Laut Bering; MythBusters, eksperimen kang berusaha ndobrak mitos, lan Dirty Jobs.
Discovery Channel uga wujud mèrek toko ritel ing pusat-pusat perbelanjaan lan lokasi liyané ing Amérika, sisan toko online kang nyediakaké barang-barang kang berhubungan karo édukasi.
Discovery Channel dadi sponsor tim balap sepeda profésional kalebu Lance Armstrong, kang wis wis kping pitu dadi juwara Tour de France.
Acara-acara pilihan
besut- 48 Hours: Hard Evidence
- Ten Ways
- 2057
- A World Away
- A Haunting
- Alien Planet
- American Casino
- American Chopper
- American Hot Rod
- Animal Face-Off
- Assignment Discovery
- Arthur C. Clarke's Mysterious Universe
- Battlefield
- The Battle for Rome (2006)
- Beachbody
- Before the Dinosaurs
- Beyond 2000
- Beyond Tomorrow
- Big!
- Biker Build-Off
- Brainiac
- Billion Dollar Secret
- The Blue Planet
- Blueprint for Disaster
- Bone Detectives
- Building the Future
- Build It Bigger
- Built for Champions
- Canada's Worst Driver
- Canada's Worst Handyman
- Cash Cab
- Century of Warfare
- Chop Shop London
- Connect
- Crash of the Century
- Daily Planet
- Darcy's Wild Life (Program anak)
- Deadliest Catch
- Deadly Women
- Designer Guys
- Death Men's Tales
- Diagnosis Unknown
- Dinosaur Planet
- Dirty Jobs
- Disaster Detective
- Discovery Atlas
- Discovery Profile
- Doctorology
- Double Agents
- Eco-Challenge (2001)
- Endurance
- End Day
- Everest: Beyond the Limit
- Everything you need to know
- Expedition Borneo
- Exhibit A: Secrets of Forensic Science
- Extreme Engineering
- Extreme Machines
- Extreme Survival
- The FBI Files
- Fearless Planet
- Fight or Die
- The Final 24
- Fireballs from Space
- Firehouse USA: Boston
- Flying Heavy Metal
- Forensic Detectives
- Full Force Nature
- Frontiers of Construction
- Full Metal Challenge
- The Future Is Wild
- Future Weapons
- Future Cars
- Garage Takeover
- Ghosthunters
- Going Tribal
- Giant Squid: Caught On Camera
- Guinea Pig
- Gold Star Racing
- Grand Designs
- Green Village
- Hazard Pay
- How Do They Do It?
- How It's Made
- How To Survive
- Incredible India!
- India with Sanjeev Bhaskar
- Into Alaska with Jeff Corwin
- Invention
- Is Born
- It Takes a Thief
- I Shouldn't Be Alive
- I, Videogame
- Into the Lion's Den*
- Jon and Kate Plus 8
- Junkyard Wars
- Justice Files
- Kings of Construction
- Last One Standing
- Lobster Wars
- Lost Animals of the 20th Century
- Man Vs. Wild
- Mayday
- Military Channel
- Miracle Planet
- Mongrel Nation
- Monkey Business
- Monster Garage
- Monster House
- Most Evil
- Mostly True Stories: Urban Legends Revealed
- Movie Magic
- MythBusters
- My Shocking Story
- The New Detectives: Case Studies in Forensic Science
- The Next Step
- NextWorld
- On the Run
- One Step Beyond
- Overhaulin
- Pagans
- Patent Bending
- Perfect Disaster
- Planet Earth
- Passport to Space
- Pop Nation
- Portraits
- The Prosecutors: In Pursuit of Justice
- Rides
- Rally Round the House
- Really Big Things
- Rise of the Video Game
- Rocket Science
- Sasquatch:Legend Meets Science
- Sci-Fi Saved My Life
- Scrapheap challenge
- Seven Wonders Of...
- Shark Week
- The Sinking of the Lusitania: Terror at Sea
- Smash Lab
- Some Assembly Required
- Storm Chasers
- Storm Warning
- Story of India
- Strange Days at Blake Holsey High (acara TV anak)
- Stranded: With Cash Peters (Travel Channel)
- Stunt Junkies
- Supervolcano
- Superstorm
- Surprise by Design
- Survivorman
- Survive This
- Tanks
- Ten Ways
- The Alaska Experiment
- The Science of Star Wars
- The Truth About Killer Dinosaurs
- The Truth Behind the Moon Landings
- The World´s Strangest UFO Stories
- Tilt 23 1/2
- Time Warp
- Top Gear (Versi AS)
- Tracey McBean (program anak)
- Travelers
- True Horror
- Ultimate Cars
- The Ultimate Ten
- Understanding
- Universe
- Untold stories of the ER
- Unsolved History
- Verminators
- Walking with Beasts
- Walking with Cavemen
- Walking with Dinosaurs
- Walking with Monsters
- Weapons of Combat
- What's That About?
- Wheeler Dealers
- Why Didn't I Think of That?
- When Dinosaurs Roamed America
- Wild Discovery
- Wings
- World of Wonder
- You Spoof Discovery
- Zero hour
Slogan dan Logo
besut- 1985-1999: "Explore Your World"
- 1999-2003: "There's no thrill like discovery."
- 2003-2008: "Entertain Your Brain" atau "Let's All Discover..."
- 2008-sekarang "The World is Just...Awesome."
Logo ke 3 Discovery Channel (2000-2008)
Saluran kerjasama di Indonesia
besutCathetan sikil
besut- ↑ "". Diarsip saka sing asli ing 2007-11-05. Dibukak ing 2012-12-10.
- ↑ "". Diarsip saka sing asli ing 2008-10-12. Dibukak ing 2012-12-10.
- ↑ "". Diarsip saka sing asli ing 2007-01-24. Dibukak ing 2012-12-10.
Pranala njaba
besut- Discovery Channel Amerika Serikat
- Discovery Channel Britania Raya
- Discovery Channel India
- Discovery Channel Éropah Archived 2005-07-06 at the Wayback Machine.
- Discovery Channel Kanada Archived 2010-07-31 at the Wayback Machine.
- Discovery Channel Polen
- Discovery Channel Asia Archived 2019-01-23 at the Wayback Machine.
- Discovery Channel Brasil
- Discovery Schools Archived 2011-11-14 at the Wayback Machine.
- Discovery Education Archived 2006-11-25 at the Wayback Machine.