Olahan Inggris
Masakan Inggris kalebu gaya masak, tradisi lan resep sing ana gandhengane karo Inggris . Iki nduweni sifat khas dhewe, nanging uga nuduhake masakan Inggris sing luwih jembar, sebagian liwat impor bahan lan ide saka Amerika, China, lan India sajrone jaman Kekaisaran Inggris lan minangka asil imigrasi sawise perang .Sawetara panganan tradisional, kayata roti lan keju, daging panggang lan rebus, pai daging lan game, sayuran lan kaldu rebus, lan iwak banyu tawar lan banyu uyah duwe asal-usul kuno. Buku masak Inggris abad kaping 14, Forme of Cury, ngemot resep-resep kasebut, lan tanggal-tanggal saka kraton Richard II .
besut- ↑ Nelson, Dean; Andrabi, Jalees. "Chicken tikka masala row grows as Indian chefs reprimand Scottish MPs over culinary origins". The Daily Telegraph. Dibukak ing 15 November 2015.
The MPs, led by Mohammed Sarwar, claim the dish was invented in Glasgow in the early 1970s and now want official European Union recognition through a "Protected Designation of Origin". It would put Glasgow's chicken tikka masala on a par with Parma's Parmesan cheese or French 'Champagne'.
- ↑ "Robin Cook's chicken tikka masala speech". The Guardian. London. 25 February 2002. Dibukak ing 19 April 2001.
- ↑ "Glasgow 'invented' Tikka Masala". BBC. 2009-07-21. Dibukak ing 15 November 2015.
It has previously been suggested that the mild curry was created decades ago in a Glaswegian kitchen by Asian immigrants catering to Western palates. Mr Sarwar claimed the dish owed its origins to the culinary skills of Ali Ahmed Aslam, proprietor of the Shish Mahal restaurant in Park Road in the west end of the city.