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Organisasi kanggo Kerjasama lan Pengembangan Ékonomi (OECD - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) ya iku organisasi internasional sing anggotane telung puluh nagara sing nerima prinsip dhémokrasi perwakilan lan ékonomi pasar bébas. Organisasi iki ngadek taun 1948 nganggo jeneng Organisasi kanggo Kerjasama Ékonomi Éropa (OEEC - Organisation for European Economic Co-operation), dipanggedhèni déning Robert Marjolin saka Prancis, kanggo mbantu njalanke Marshall Plan, kanggo rekonstruksi Éropa kidul Perang Dunia II. Seteruse, keanggotaane saya akèh saka nagara-nagara non-Éropa, lan taun 1961, diwangun manèh dadi OECD déning Konvensi tentang Organisasi kanggo Kerjasama lan Pangembangan Ékonomi.
Anggota penuh ana telung puluh;[2] 25 diantarane (ditandhani karo *) dianggep dadi nagara sing duwé panghasilan dhuwur déning Bank Dunia taun 2006.
Anggota sèng ngadeke organisasi (1961): | |
Nagara sing gabung (miturut urutan taun gabung): | |
- Komisi Éropa mbantu tugas OECD, karo Nagara Anggota UE.[3]
Kandidat anggota
besutAkan menjadi anggota
besutKerangka makarya
Cathetan sikil
besutUga delengen
besut- PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment)
- Frascati Manual
- Blok dagang
- Organisasi internasional di Éropa
- Regulator kompetisi
- Harga transfer
- SourceOECD
- Good Laboratory Practice
- German Marshall Fund
- Statistik nagara OSCE
Pranala njaba
besut- Economic Assessment of Indonésia 2008
- OECD Indonésia
- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
- OECD's Web sites on member countries
- OECD Anti-Bribery Convention
- Biosecuritycodes.org Archived 2012-01-12 at the Wayback Machine. A detailed site on Biosecurity and Biosecurity codes created by the OECD International Futures Programme.
- Text of the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises
- OECD page on OEEC
- OECD's Factbook presenting comparative economic, environmental and social data from the world's largest economies
- OECD Antispam Task Force Report presenting an eight pronged set of measures for countering spam
- Video interview of OECD economists on the rise of India and Cina, and its consequences for Africa
- The OECD Observer
- The German Marshall Fund of the United States - Strengthening Transatlantic Cooperation
- The German Marshall Fund Blog Archived 2009-01-24 at the Wayback Machine. - Expert Commentary
- OECD's 2004 "List of Unco-operative Tax Havens"
- Israèl and OECD Archived 2008-05-07 at the Wayback Machine. on steps taken by Israèl's Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Finance to join the OECD