Arsip (Archive):

Panganggé Pras, Sugeng rawuh ing Wikipédia Basa Jawi!

Sawetawis pranala (link) punika saged panjenengan pirsani, utaminipun kagem panganggé ingkang taksih énggal ing Wikipedia:

Kanggé napak astani satunggiling pesen ing kaca dhiskusi, kados kaca puniki, mangga ngetik ~~~~ (tandha gelombang kaping sekawan). Mugi-mugi panjenengan remen mriksani Wikipédia Basa Jawi. Nuwun! Meursault2004ngobrol 12:57, 17 Agustus 2007 (UTC)

Sugeng Warsa Enggal 2012


Salam Taklim. Puryono| Pirembagan! 1 Januari 2012 11.03 (UTC)Wangsuli

Sugeng Warsa Énggal 2012.

Ndherek nyengkuyung milih calon pengurus enggal


Matur nuwun sanget Pak Pras. Kula sampun ndherek nyengkuyung milih calon pengurus enggal, Pak. Nuwun JV015Chafid pirembagan 2 Januari 2012 06.21 (UTC)Wangsuli

Site notice


Halo Pak Pras, Pesan di site noticenya begini "Wikimedia Indonesia telah membuka pendaftaran keanggotaan baru untuk periode 2012. Daftarkan diri Anda dengan mengirimkan surat elektronik ke" Terima kasih pak. 06Ivonne pirembagan 25 Januari 2012 16.07 (UTC)Wangsuli

Ok mbak Ivonne, akan dipasang tanggal 31 Januari 2012 dalam bahasa Jawa: "Wikimedia Indonesia wis mbukak pendhaftaran kaanggotaan anyar périodhe 2012. Dhaftaré kanthi cara ngirim surat elektronik tumuju menyang". Salam.Pras (pirembagan) 25 Januari 2012 21.13 (UTC)Wangsuli
Terima kasih pak pras. 06Ivonne pirembagan 26 Januari 2012 02.44 (UTC)Wangsuli

Request for translation.


Warm greeting from Korean Wikipedia! Could you help us to translate articles simple:Kara, simple:Josh Duhamel, simple:IU (singer), simple:Running Man into your unique and honourable language? Thank you in advance! Tsuchiya Hikaru pirembagan 26 Januari 2012 14.40 (UTC)Wangsuli

Pencabutan site notice


Halo Pak Pras, mohon bantuannya lagi untuk mencabut pengumuman di site notice karena banyak yang asal-asal mendaftar saja. Terima kasih Pak. 06Ivonne pirembagan 2 Februari 2012 15.10 (UTC)

Ok.Done.Pras (pirembagan) 3 Februari 2012 19.12 (UTC)

Usul Papat Limpad II


Matur nuwun, Pak Pras Panutunjukipun.Sarujuk. Puryono| Pirembagan! 15 Februari 2012 14.46 (UTC)

Trims Pak Pras. Saya bingung gimana monitornya soalnya saya gak ngerti bahasa Jawa sama sekali. hehe.. 06Ivonne pirembagan 16 Februari 2012 06.32 (UTC)

Matur nuwun pak infonipun. Meursault2004ngobrol 16 Februari 2012 08.09 (UTC)
Matur nuwun Pak Pras. :-) Naval Scene pirembagan 16 Februari 2012 08.45 (UTC)

Ya pak, saya sudah baca kok dan mengira-ngira isinya. :) 06Ivonne pirembagan 16 Februari 2012 15.55 (UTC)

Re: Pertemuan


Tanggal 24 dan 25 saya kosong, mohon hubungi di nomor HP saya (nanti kirim email untuk minta, saya tidak akan pasang di sini) Crisco 1492 pirembagan 17 Maret 2012 00.48 (UTC)Wangsuli

Candhisari, Semarang


Bisa minta cuplikan gambarnya ketika Anda membuka,_Semarang, pak? Bennylin (guneman) 20 Maret 2012 11.56 (UTC)Wangsuli

Mungkin Panganggo:Pras/vector.js Anda tidak kompatibel lagi dengan MW 1.19 pak. Coba saja halaman itu dikosongkan dulu, lalu hard refresh (Ctrl+F5). Kalau sudah muncul berarti itu masalahnya, kalau masih belum muncul, berarti bukan itu masalahnya. Bennylin (guneman) 20 Maret 2012 13.11 (UTC)Wangsuli
Coba sekali lagi pak, di preferensi, ganti tampilan kulit Anda dengan Klasik, misalnya, atau apa saja selain vector atau monobook. Bennylin (guneman) 20 Maret 2012 15.18 (UTC)Wangsuli

Re:Usul Papat Limpad II


Sarujuk Mas Pras. Mugi2 PL 2012 saget kalaksanan langkung lancar. Nunung Martina (nana) pirembagan 21 Maret 2012 14.16 (UTC)Wangsuli

UNS boten ditawari Pak? Bennylin (guneman) 3 Mei 2012 13.32 (UTC)

Mas Benny, sejak awal saya ingin mengajak UNS, bahkan saya kenal (masih hubungan saudara) dengan salah satu PUREK disana, sudah saya kontak dan beliau sanggup mengenalkan dengan Dekan atau Kajur ybs, tetapi dalam perjalanannya, karena faktor anggaran yang sangat minim kalau pelatihan di empat kota akan makan banyak biaya. Dengan peserta 6 PT yaitu IKIP PGRI (Semarang), UNNES (Semarang), UGM (Yogya), UNY (Yogya) dan UI (Jakarta) maka lokasi pelatihan di tiga tempat yaitu Semarang, Yogya dan Jakarta.

Mudah-mudahan tahun depan kita bisa menggalang dana sehingga peserta dapat diperluas dengan UNS, Satyawacana dan PT lain disekitarnya bahkan kalau perlu hingga Jawa Timur.Doain dan bantu bantu yaa. Terima kasih.Pras (pirembagan) 3 Mei 2012 14.28 (UTC)

OK pak, kula enteni taun ngarep nggih. Bennylin (guneman) 3 Mei 2012 14.36 (UTC)

Matur nuwun kawigatèné ya mas.Pras (pirembagan) 3 Mei 2012 14.38 (UTC)


[1] Link Wikipedia:Warta wigati isih abang, kula koreksi malih dadi Wikipedia:Wara-wara (Warta wigati dialihke menyang mriki). Yen pak Pras gelem, Wikipedia:Wara-wara isa dialihke menyang Wikipedia:Warta wigati utawa Wikipedia:Warta Wigati. Bennylin (guneman) 1 April 2012 17.54 (UTC)Wangsuli

Re:Juri Papat Limpad


Tadi Pak Pras yang menaruh pesan di halaman pembicaraan saya ya? Sebab tidak log masuk :-) Saya tentunya bersedia membantu. Mudah-mudahan tidak terlalu sibuk ya. Untuk detailnya mungkin kita lanjutkan lewat surel/e-mail saja ya pak. Salam. Meursault2004ngobrol 12 April 2012 19.21 (UTC)Wangsuli

Artikel Papat Limpad I


Sugeng sonten Pak. Nuwun sèwu, artikel PL I menapa saged dipunicali markah inuse-ipun sedaya? Awit taksih kathah ingkang dèrèng sampurna. Salam Meursault2004ngobrol 21 April 2012 14.10 (UTC)Wangsuli

OK menawi mekaten. Matur nuwun. Meursault2004ngobrol 21 April 2012 14.22 (UTC)Wangsuli

RE Papat Limpad 2012 Khoirul Umam


Nuwun sewu Pak, ting babagan menapa ingkang dereng trep kaliyan paugeranipun Pak? Mangke kersane kula kontak. Nyuwun pitedahipun. Nuwun. SIGIT   rembugan 11 Mei 2012 14.17 (UTC)

RE Papat Limpad 2012 Khoirul Umam


Nuwun sewu Pak, ting babagan menapa ingkang dereng trep kaliyan paugeranipun Pak? Mangke kersane kula kontak. Nyuwun pitedahipun. Nuwun. SIGIT   rembugan 11 Mei 2012 14.17 (UTC)

Nuwun sewu, Pak Pras. Kode peserta menika mbok menawi wonten kaluputan nalika pelatian Pak. Peserta menika saking IKIP Pak. Nyuwun Ngapunten, Pak. Nuwun.  Ihda    rembugan 16 Mei 2012 13.49 (UTC)

Kategori:Panganggo peserta kompetisi Papat Limpad 2012


Nuwun sewu Pak Pras, nuwun patunjuk kangge pangelompokan sedaya peserta saking PT ing (Kategori:Panganggo peserta kompetisi Papat Limpad 2012) punapa saget dipuntambahai (Kategori:Panganggo peserta kompetisi Papat Limpad 2012 tiap-tiap PT) Matur nuwun patunjukipun kagem ngampilake patroli ing kompetisi.Kasuwun Puryono| Pirembagan! 11 Mei 2012 14.28 (UTC)

JVO4 Julian Pradhitya


Nuwun sewu Pak Pras.Panulisan panganggo JVO4 Julian Prasdhitya kadosipun panyeratan angka nol ting JV04 klintu huruf O.Nuwun pangamputen ugi nuwun saranipun menawi dipunrubah dospundi.Matur nuwun patunjukipun. Puryono| Pirembagan! 15 Mei 2012 14.58 (UTC)

Re:Kategori:Panganggo peserta kompetisi Papat Limpad 2012 +JV04 Julian Pradhitya


Matur nuwun Pak Pras. Puryono| Pirembagan! 15 Mei 2012 17.16 (UTC)

JVO1O34NURUL (panyeratan nomer kode lepat)


Nuwun sewu Pak Pras, nderek ngerepoti malih.JVO1O34NURUL paserta pelatihan Papat Limpad 2012 saking IKIP PGRI Semarang nyeratan angka 0 kalitu nyerat huruf O.Matur nuwun.Salam Taklim. Puryono| Pirembagan! 15 Mei 2012 18.06 (UTC)

Re:Peserta Papat Limpad 2012


Matur nuwun Pak Pras.Nuwun sewu dalem nggih bingung Pengguna:JV001 Nofianto N kedahipun migunakake kode JV01....amargi saking IKIP PGRI.Ugi sampun kula padosi ting daptar diri ing blangko Papat Limpad 2012 ugi mboten wonten.Punika wonten panganggo enggal malih panjenenganipun Panganggo:JV001 Zahrotul Mafazah kadosipun tasih lepat menawi nyerat kode paserta.Nuwun patunjukipun.Matur nuwun

Re:Peserta Papat Limpad 2012


Matur nuwun Pak Pras.Nuwun sewu dalem nggih bingung Pengguna:JV001 Nofianto N kedahipun migunakake kode JV01....amargi saking IKIP PGRI.Ugi sampun kula padosi ting daptar diri ing blangko Papat Limpad 2012 ugi mboten wonten.Punika wonten panganggo enggal malih panjenenganipun Panganggo:JV001 Zahrotul Mafazah kadosipun tasih lepat menawi nyerat kode paserta.Nuwun patunjukipun.Matur nuwun. Puryono| Pirembagan! 16 Mei 2012 14.27 (UTC)

Re JV06


Matur nuwun Pak Pras.Dalem sampun menghubungi mbak Fatmawati,Mas Romandhona,Mas Exwan lan Mbak Nur Hanifah koordinator mahasiswa ingkang dipuntujuk saking jurusan Bahasa Daerah UNY tasih balik kampung.Bu Avi (dosen) kaliyan Pak Eric siap menawi diadakake pelatihan tidak resmi.Nuwun patunjuk kangem langlah salajengipun.Kasuwun. Puryono| Pirembagan! 18 Mei 2012 15.30 (UTC)

Yen ngenteni Juni kesuwen, mas Pur yen ana kalodhangan wektu bisa nylonong ke yogya numpak bis sing "murah" terus turu ning "pondhokboro" sambil koordinasi kesiapan UGM utk pelatihan resmi awal Juni :) Pras (pirembagan) 19 Mei 2012 16.11 (UTC)

Artikel rintisan pelatihan Papat Limpad 2012


Nuwun sewu Pak Pras.Paserta pelatihan saking PT sampun wonten ingkang ndamel artikel rintisan punapa angsal dipunpasang (Inuseuntil).Kagem monitoring seleksi mlebet peserta kompetisi.Matur Nuwun. Puryono| Pirembagan! 19 Mei 2012 12.57 (UTC)

Jangan dulu mas, biar belajar dulu. Menunggu karena masih ada yang belum pelatihan seperti UNNES, UNDIP dan UGM nanti kurang adil. Setelah UNNES, UNDIP dan UGM dilatih baru bisa dianggap mulai agak serius, tetapi yang resmi dihitung adalah setelah tgl 27 Agustus yaitu saat dimulainya kompetisi. Matur nuwun.Pras (pirembagan) 19 Mei 2012 15.47 (UTC)

Re:Artikel rintisan pelatihan Papat Limpad 2012


Matur nuwu Pak Pras patunjukipun. Puryono| Pirembagan! 19 Mei 2012 16.34 (UTC)



Enggih Pak Pras, Matur nuwun.Wau sampun koordinasi kaliyan Mas Chafid ugi siap.Minggu niki langsung dalem koordinasikan kaliyan Bu Avi lan Pak Cris mugia saget pelatihan tidak resmi ing akhir wulan menika.Matur nuwun ugi pangestunipun. Puryono| Pirembagan! 19 Mei 2012 16.38 (UTC)

panyuwunan pangewahan nama akun


Sugeng siyang Pak Pras, menika Exwan saking UNY. nyuwun pangapunten badhe nyuwun tulung saupados gantos nama akun wikipedia kula.kala wingi kadhung log in ngangge nama punika, ananging kedahipun wonten tandha Universitas rumiyin (JV06)


maturnuwun. Exwan pirembagan 23 Mei 2012 07.39 (UTC)

Usul Bot


Mas, kulo pengen ngaktipake BOTrie neng Wikipedia boso Jowo, pengusulan kulo ono neng Dhiskusi. Maap kalo boso jowo ku ora apek. Salam. Riemogerz pirembagan 24 Mei 2012 03.06 (UTC)

Panganggo Jv06Amalia Nurul Fathonaty + Novanto Setyawan


Nuwun Sewu Pak Pras, Nuwun pangamputen malih wonten paserta saking UNY ingkang panulisanipun kodhè paserta lepat enggih menika Jv06Dita kurniawati, Jv06Ema Yulianti ugi Jv06Amalia Nurul Fathonaty ugi wonten peserta ingkang kodhè pasertaipun dereng dipun serat enggih mrnika Novanto Setyawan.Nuwun pangamputen Nuwun patunjuk.Matur nuwun. Puryono| Pirembagan! 25 Mei 2012 14.08 (UTC)

Re:Panyuwunan swara


Matur Nuwun Pak Pras, Infoipun. Puryono| Pirembagan! 30 Mei 2012 15.32 (UTC)

Inggih Pak Pras, matur nuwun. Naval Scene pirembagan 31 Mei 2012 01.02 (UTC)
Pendapatnya di WBI mantafff Pak :-) Naval Scene pirembagan 31 Mei 2012 07.27 (UTC)

sampun milih (kecepeten ketoke) ang pirembagan 31 Mei 2012 08.45 (UTC)

Matur nuwun Pak Pras. Salam. Tracy pirembagan 31 Mei 2012 14.27 (UTC)

Re:Panganggo Jv06Amalia Nurul Fathonaty + Novanto Setyawan


Matur nuwun Pak Pras. Puryono| Pirembagan! 30 Mei 2012 15.54 (UTC)

Re:Sugeng Rawuh


Nggih, maturnuwun Pak  .JV02 Dwi Ajeng Fitriani pirembagan 6 Juni 2012 05.30 (UTC)Wangsuli

re sugeng rawuh


matur nuwun.JV06Andriyana F pirembagan 6 Juni 2012 08.20 (UTC)Wangsuli

tuwuhing artikel


nuwun sewu, Pak Pras. kadosipun kok kaca Tuwuhing Artikel punika salah panggenan. luwih trep menawi mlebet ing namespace wikipedia. ang pirembagan 6 Juni 2012 09.12 (UTC)Wangsuli

sampun kula pindhahaken, sekaliyan kaca Warta Liyané ugi kula pindhah. suwun ang pirembagan 7 Juni 2012 04.37 (UTC)Wangsuli



sugeng enjang, pak. kulo badhe tanglet carane ndamel rujukan niku pripun. kulo sampun bikak pitulung nanging dereng mudeng. kulo nyuwun tulodhone. matur nuwun....

JV03 Purnawati pirembagan 8 Juni 2012 01.13 (UTC)Wangsuli

Iriana Famuji Widodo


Nuwun Pak Pras, pangamputen menika wonten paserta saking UNY kanthi nama Iriana Famuji Widodo ananging dereng ngangge Kodhe Universitas (UNY).Matur sembah nuwun. Puryono| Pirembagan! 8 Juni 2012 22.05 (UTC)Wangsuli

aunggah gambar


inggih pak, maturnuwun infonipun, menawi nambahi gambar wonten common menika, saged boten ? JV06Dyah Swastyasti pirembagan

Saged kemawon mbak, malah langkung sae. Nanging kedah damelan piyambak supados boten nglanggar hak cipta. Manawi nglanggar hak cipta utawi lisensi boten jelas biasanipun enggal kabusek. Matur nuwun.Pras (pirembagan) 10 Juni 2012 14.08 (UTC)Wangsuli

Matur Nuwun BintangWiki4L2012


Matur sembah Nuwun Pak Pras BintangWiki4L2012.Salam Taklim Puryono| Pirembagan! 13 Juni 2012 13.20 (UTC)Wangsuli

Sami-sami Pak Pras.Matur sembah nuwun. Puryono| Pirembagan! 13 Juni 2012 15.26 (UTC)Wangsuli

Matur nuwun sanget Pak Pras BintangWiki4L2012. Matur nuwun.  Ihda    rembugan 13 Juni 2012 14.14 (UTC)Wangsuli

 Matur nuwun sanget, Pak Pras. Nyuwun pangapunten mbok menawi kula kathah lepatipun. Naval Scene pirembagan 14 Juni 2012 03.19 (UTC)Wangsuli

Matur sembah nuwun Bapa Pras sampun paring bintang wiki. Nyuwun bimbinganipun. Matur nuwun.Chafid pirembagan 14 Juni 2012 06.25 (UTC)Wangsuli

Radi kasèp, nanging ugi matur nuwun pak :-) Meursault2004ngobrol 15 Juni 2012 15.09 (UTC)Wangsuli

Matur nuwun sanget Pak Pras. Salam. Tracy pirembagan 18 Juni 2012 12.12 (UTC)Wangsuli



Pak Pras rumahnya dimana? JV04dwirahmawanto pirembagan 20 Juni 2012 04.49 (UTC)Wangsuli

Pelatihan di UI


Umurnya berapa pak ?

Pelatihan di UI


pak pras, kategori yang dibawah referensi untuk apa?

Pelatihan di UI


Umurnya berapa pak ?JV04Asti Diautami pirembagan 20 Juni 2012 04.51 (UTC)Wangsuli

Pelatihan di UI


pak pras, kategori yang dibawah referensi untuk apa? JV04Nina Wahyu Widyawati pirembagan 20 Juni 2012 04.51 (UTC)Wangsuli

Pak, bagaimana cara menulis referensi jika pakai e-book dan kbbi online?JV04Ilham Saiful Mubin pirembagan 20 Juni 2012 04.52 (UTC)Wangsuli

Re:Pelatihan Di UNDIP dan UNNES


Matur nuwun Bapak, dipunrencanakake pelatihan tambahan di UNDIP dinten Kamis tgl 21 Juni 2012 kawiwitan tabuh 14.00 WIB sabadaipun sedaya paserta rampung kuliyah.UNNES ugi wonten pelatihan tambahan dinten Kamis tgl 21 Juni 2012 kawiwitan tabuh 10.00 WIB.Mas Sigit,Mbak Nurul,Mbak Ihda kaliyan kula sampun koordinasi kepanggihan ting UNNES tabuh 09.00 WIB.Nuwun Do'a ugi pangestunipun mugia sedaya lancar.Matur nuwun. Puryono| Pirembagan! 20 Juni 2012 05.57 (UTC)Wangsuli

Re: Matur nuwun


Sami-sami, mas. Mugi-mugi bermanfaat. Eddy bf pirembagan 29 Juni 2012 10.11 (UTC)Wangsuli

salam kenal


Pak Prass, tepangaken nami kula Mahmud Hidayat, ananging Pak Prass saged nimbali kula Mada kemawon.JV02 Mahmud Mada Hidyat pirembagan 9 Juli 2012 03.31 (UTC)Wangsuli

Hello. I'm sorry if this is not the right place to request it, but I request renaming my following accounts:

  • محمد الجداوي → Avocato
  • GedawyBot → AvocatoBot
  • Confirmation link: [2]
  • Reason: Privacy reasons

Please, delete all my userpages and talk pages of these accounts before renaming and I will create them later .Thanks in advance.--M.Gedawy 15 Juli 2012 11.28 (UTC)Wangsuli

Gègèr Pacinan


Pak, kira2 ini sudah matang untuk dijadikan artikel pilihan?Crisco 1492 pirembagan 18 Juli 2012 02.07 (UTC)Wangsuli

Sugeng Siyam


Sugeng hanetepi lan mapag wulan Ramadhan 1433 H. Mugya Pak Pras kanthi kekiatan lahir bathos lan sakluargi wonten ing kahanan sarwa endah. Amin Naval Scene pirembagan 23 Juli 2012 03.40 (UTC)Wangsuli

Inggih sami2 Pak, matur sembah nuwun. Naval Scene pirembagan 10 Agustus 2012 04.40 (UTC)Wangsuli

Re: Kepithing lan Yuyu


Sami-sami Pak Pras. Salam. Tracy pirembagan 16 Agustus 2012 07.50 (UTC)Wangsuli



Hello Pras, I've seen that you've edited the MediaWiki:Sitenotice of this wiki. As you you may can see, it became rather big (on my notebook it takes up almost 1/4 of the screen) and it seems to contain outdated information (some dates mentioned are in the past). It would be great, if you could try to keep that notice as small as possible. Cheers, Hoo man pirembagan 18 Agustus 2012 23.06 (UTC)Wangsuli

cara memasukkan gambar


pak, mau tanya, cara memasukkan gambar ke artikel bagaimana ya? maaf, saya lupa,, mohon bimbingannya,, terima kasih

matur nuwun,,, sampun saged insyaALLOH,,

Re google map


maturnuwun pak... SIGIT   rembugan 27 Agustus 2012 10.47 (UTC)Wangsuli

nyuwun pirsa


pak, badhe nyuwun pirsa, la caranipun ngewah-ngewahi judul artikelipun kados pundi?? ingkang Gunungan Lanang utawi Gunungan Kakung dados Gunungan Lanang kemawon,,

matur nuwun


nggih, matur nuwun,, pak,, sampun saged,,,alhamdulillah

Cara mundhut gambar saking situs


kulo taksih bingung menawi badhe ngunggah gambar saking sumber internet pak, kados pundi caranipun pak?nuwun...````

AdvancedSiteNotices (WP:ASN)


Pak Pras, kode kangge Cithakan:AdvancedSiteNotices sampun kula benerne supados isa gonta-ganti pangumumane. Menawi enten pitakonan saged tangled marang kula. Mugi-mugi suntingan kula berkenan. Bennylin (guneman)



Inggih pak sampun kula serat. Matur nuwun. Meursault2004ngobrol 26 November 2012 08.31 (UTC)



nuwun sewu, telat mrangguli. sumangga dipun rembag malih. ang pirembagan 4 Desember 2012 11.26 (UTC)

Minangkabau Wikipedia


Salam. Mari dukung Minangkabau Wikipedia di Incubator. Terima kasih! SpartacksCompatriot pirembagan 28 Desember 2012 05.00 (UTC)

Cithakan:Protection templates


English: hi I would like to add these updated codes to Cithakan:Protection templates please

{| class="ombox ombox-protection" style="font-size:90%; text-align: center; margin:auto;"
!colspan="5" | {{Navbar-header|[[:Category:Protection templates|Protection templates]]|Protection templates}}
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!style="text-align: right;"| [[WP:BLP]]:
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== Template documentation ==
* See also, [[Wikipedia:Protection policy]].

[[Category:Protection templates|*]]
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[[vi:Bản mẫu:Bản mẫu khóa trang]]
[[zh:Template:Protection templates]]
</noinclude> 9 Februari 2013 21.33 (UTC)



Nuwun sewu Bapak, badhe nyuwun pirsa. Basa jawi-nipun "Sejarah" menika menapa nggih Pak? matur nuwun Chafid pirembagan 31 Maret 2013 18.27 (UTC)Wangsuli



Matur nuwun Bapa Pras. Chafid pirembagan 1 April 2013 02.39 (UTC)Wangsuli



Nggih Pak, matur sembah nuwun awit koreksian Bapak mangke kula ewahi Pak. Badhe taken menawi, ler, kilen, ingkang leres lèr?, kilèn?..napa pripun Pak? Matur nuwun. Dados nambah semangat Pak menawi wonten ingkang ngoreksi. Nuwun, matur nuwun. Chafid (pirembagan) 6 April 2013 03.03 (UTC)Wangsuli

re atur pamrayoga


Matur nuwun Pak Pras...:) enggal kula koreksi malih. Nuwun. SIGIT   rembugan 6 April 2013 04.17 (UTC)Wangsuli

Re: Pamrayoga


ꦼInggih, Pak Pras. Matur nuwun.Nurulbaitirohmah pirembagan 6 April 2013 16.00 (UTC)Wangsuli

Hi, sorry for writing in English. I'm writing to ask you, as a bureaucrat of this wiki, to translate and review the notification that will be sent to all users, also on this wiki, who will be forced to change their user name on May 27 and will probably need your help with renames. You may also want to help with the pages m:Rename practices and m:Global rename policy. Thank you, Nemo 3 Mei 2013 16.47 (UTC)

Hi, sorry for writing in English. I'm writing to ask you, as a bureaucrat of this wiki, to translate and review the notification that will be sent to all users, also on this wiki, who will be forced to change their user name on May 27 and will probably need your help with renames. You may also want to help with the pages m:Rename practices and m:Global rename policy. Thank you, Nemo 3 Mei 2013 16.47 (UTC)

Matur Nuwun Pak


Matur nuwun Pak Pras sampun kersa neliti artikel Seni rupa Islam. Menika ajeng kula kembangaken malih saking terjemahan. Kepareng matur, kalawingi dhata diri kula sampun kula kirim dhateng Mas Pur. Matur Nuwun. Chafid Ibnu Abdillah (حفظ بن عبد الله) pirembagan 27 Mei 2013 06.09 (UTC)

Penutupan Papat Limpad lan Cithakan:Portal


Matur nuwun Pak Pras, sampun dipunjangkepi Cithakan:Portalipun saéngga Cithakan:Daud nganti Yesus dados rapi tampilanipun. Perkawis adicara panutupan Papat Limpad, nyuwun duka, kula kadosipun boten saged tumut, dèreng wonten rencana kanggé liburan dhateng Magelang. Mugi-mugi adicaranipun lancar lan sukses. Matur nuwun. Salam. Tres pirembagan 28 Mei 2013 21.50 (UTC)

Matur nuwun Pak Pras, mugi lancar lan sukses adicaranipun. Salam. Tres pirembagan 3 Juni 2013 09.43 (UTC)Wangsuli

Gambar pilihan Juni 2013


Pak Pras, nyuwun pendhapat kanggé gambar pilihan Juni 2013 ing mriki. Wonten kalih pilihan, magepokan kaliyan Isra Mi'raj Nabi Muhammad SAW. Matur nuwun. Tres pirembagan 3 Juni 2013 09.43 (UTC)Wangsuli



Matur nuwun. Siap laksanakan Pak. Tres pirembagan 10 Juni 2013 13.29 (UTC)Wangsuli

  • Matur nuwun Pak, siap.  

Chafid Ibnu Abdillah (حفظ بن عبد الله) pirembagan 11 Juni 2013 02.25 (UTC)Wangsuli

Sendika Pak   JV089Yayu pirembagan 11 Juni 2013 05.09 (UTC)Wangsuli

Inggih Pak Pras. Nuwun sewu, telat anggenipun mangsuli. Nurulbaitirohmah pirembagan 14 Juni 2013 03.44 (UTC)Wangsuli



Could you please remove the bot flag from my bot, User:Darkicebot? It will not be active. Thanks, Razorflame pirembagan 25 Juli 2013 01.15 (UTC)Wangsuli

Re= Artikel karo Gambar Pilihan Juli 2013


Matur nuwun Pak Pras,Nuwun patunjuk kagem ngantos AP ugi GP + tatacaranipun pasang AP lan GP.Matur nuwun. Puryono| Pirembagan! 3 Agustus 2013 13.33 (UTC)Wangsuli





Anda diundang untuk mengundi saudara Adikhebat sebagai usul perlucutan daripada pengurus WBM karena sudah lebih 10 bulan tidak aktif. Untuk mengundi sila ke halaman ini. Mohon bantun anda. Terima kasih. Salam.--Apli kasi 18 November 2013 11.35 (UTC)

Javanese help needed


Hello Pras, I'm contacting you because we need some Javanese translators to help with the deployment of the new mw:Wikipedia:VisualEditor on jv.wikipedia. It is important that we get the User Guide and the User Interface translated before VisualEditor is deployed to users. To translate the User Interface, you need to start an account at if you don't have one already. Translating the User Guide and other documentation happens at (your regular username and password work there), and then translated materials need to be copied over to at the appropriate page names.

More information on the translating work is available at MediaWiki: Translation Central. If you are able to help in any way, either reply here or send e-mail to me. Thanks for your time, Whatamidoing (WMF) pirembagan 24 November 2013 03.07 (UTC)

Undangan 2


Anda diundang untuk mengundi saudara SNN95 sebagai pengurus Wikipedia bahasa Melayu. Untuk mengundi sila ke halaman ini. Terima kasih.--Apli kasi 30 November 2013 12.05 (UTC)

Ngganti jeneng


Hello! Could you please change my Javanese Wikipedia username from Moscowconnection to Moscow Connection? I am now changing my name on all wikis. Here's is a proof that I own both global accounts: [3]. I've already asked another bureaucrat a month ago, but he hasn't been active since.

By the way, I've just accidentally created the user account "Moscow Connection", so please "usurp" it for me. Thank you! --Moscowconnection pirembagan 21 Desember 2013 07.29 (UTC)

Request for username change : Hosiryuhosi -> Rxy


Hello. Could you please change my username?

Halo mas pras bisa bantu ganti nama Pengguna di atas? ini akun pengguna ini di meta-wikimedia m:User:Rxy. Dia Admin dan birokrat di Japanese Wikipedia/Wikipedia bahasa Jepang. Matur nuwun.Aldnonymous pirembagan 15 Maret 2014 21.08 (UTC)Wangsuli

Metode praktis merintis Wikipedia di Incubator


Pak Pras, salam sejahtera untuk Anda.

Saya sedang berambisi merintis Wikipedia bahasa Rejang. Saya butuh ratusan tahun lamanya jika sendirian berkontribusi di Incubator demi disahkannya menjadi seperti Wikipedia bahasa Jawa.

Bagaimana caranya supaya lebih meringankan beban tersebut? Saat ini, belum ada satu pun suku Rejang yang ikut berpartisipasi di uji coba Wikipedia bahasa Rejang.

Relly Komaruzaman | Bicoro 7 Mei 2014 11.21 (UTC)

An important message about renaming users


Dear Pras, My aplogies for writing in English. Please translate or have this translated for you if it will help. I am cross-posting this message to many places to make sure everyone who is a Wikimedia Foundation project bureaucrat receives a copy. If you are a bureaucrat on more than one wiki, you will receive this message on each wiki where you are a bureaucrat.

As you may have seen, work to perform the Wikimedia cluster-wide single-user login finalisation (SUL finalisation) is taking place. This may potentially effect your work as a local bureaucrat, so please read this message carefully.

Why is this happening? As currently stated at the global rename policy, a global account is a name linked to a single user across all Wikimedia wikis, with local accounts unified into a global collection. Previously, the only way to rename a unified user was to individually rename every local account. This was an extremely difficult and time-consuming task, both for stewards and for the users who had to initiate discussions with local bureaucrats (who perform local renames to date) on every wiki with available bureaucrats. The process took a very long time, since it's difficult to coordinate crosswiki renames among the projects and bureaucrats involved in individual projects.

The SUL finalisation will be taking place in stages, and one of the first stages will be to turn off Special:RenameUser locally. This needs to be done as soon as possible, on advice and input from Stewards and engineers for the project, so that no more accounts that are unified globally are broken by a local rename to usurp the global account name. Once this is done, the process of global name unification can begin. The date that has been chosen to turn off local renaming and shift over to entirely global renaming is 15 September 2014, or three weeks time from now. In place of local renames is a new tool, hosted on Meta, that allows for global renames on all wikis where the name is not registered will be deployed.

Your help is greatly needed during this process and going forward in the future if, as a bureaucrat, renaming users is something that you do or have an interest in participating in. The Wikimedia Stewards have set up, and are in charge of, a new community usergroup on Meta in order to share knowledge and work together on renaming accounts globally, called Global renamers. Stewards are in the process of creating documentation to help global renamers to get used to and learn more about global accounts and tools and Meta in general as well as the application format. As transparency is a valuable thing in our movement, the Stewards would like to have at least a brief public application period. If you are an experienced renamer as a local bureaucrat, the process of becoming a part of this group could take as little as 24 hours to complete. You, as a bureaucrat, should be able to apply for the global renamer right on Meta by the requests for global permissions page on 1 September, a week from now.

In the meantime please update your local page where users request renames to reflect this move to global renaming, and if there is a rename request and the user has edited more than one wiki with the name, please send them to the request page for a global rename.

Stewards greatly appreciate the trust local communities have in you and want to make this transition as easy as possible so that the two groups can start working together to ensure everyone has a unique login identity across Wikimedia projects. Completing this project will allow for long-desired universal tools like a global watchlist, global notifications and many, many more features to make work easier.

If you have any questions, comments or concerns about the SUL finalisation, read over the Help:Unified login page on Meta and leave a note on the talk page there, or on the talk page for global renamers. You can also contact me on my talk page on meta if you would like. I'm working as a bridge between Wikimedia Foundation Engineering and Product Development, Wikimedia Stewards, and you to assure that SUL finalisation goes as smoothly as possible; this is a community-driven process and I encourage you to work with the Stewards for our communities.

Thank you for your time. -- Keegan (WMF) talk 25 Agustus 2014 18.24 (UTC)Wangsuli

--This message was sent using MassMessage. Was there an error? Report it!


Hello! Sorry for writing in English. As you're an administrator here, please check the message I left on MediaWiki talk:Licenses and the village pump. Thanks, Nemo 18 September 2014 19.22 (UTC)

Nyuwun Pitulungan


Sugeng siang Pak Pras. Kula pikantuk pesen saking user Nemo ginakake basa Inggris.


Hello! Sorry for writing in English. As you're an administrator here, please check the message I left on MediaWiki talk:Licenses and the village pump. Thanks, Nemo 18 September 2014 19.22 (UTC)

Anggen kula ngwangsuli kados pundi? Nuwun. Nurulbaitirohmah pirembagan 19 September 2014 04.44 (UTC)

Re:Wisaya Pangunggahan


Inggih Pak Pras. Panci saenipun menawi nginggahaken gambar langkung commons, ngemuti wontenipun pelanggaran hak cipta. Matur nuwun. Nurulbaitirohmah pirembagan 26 September 2014 10.48 (UTC)



Nyuwun pangapura kula telat njawab pitakenan Pak Pras ing Incubator: incubator:User_talk:Pras Bennylin (ꦒꦸꦤꦺꦩ꧀ꦩꦤ꧀) 24 November 2014 15.12 (UTC)

Translating the interface in your language, we need your help

Hello Pras, thanks for working on this wiki in your language. We updated the list of priority translations and I write you to let you know. The language used by this wiki (or by you in your preferences) needs about 100 translations or less in the priority list. You're almost done!
Saperlu nambah utawa ngowah pertalan tumrap kabèh wiki, mangga anggoa minangka proyèk panglokaling MediaWiki.

Please register on if you didn't yet and then help complete priority translations (make sure to select your language in the language selector). With a couple hours' work or less, you can make sure that nearly all visitors see the wiki interface fully translated. Nemo 26 April 2015 14.06 (UTC)Wangsuli

RE:AP lan GP Oktober 2015


Sumangga Pak, saénipun. Artikel kang menapa nggih, ingkang trep? Meursault2004ngobrol 5 Oktober 2015 14.37 (UTC)Wangsuli

Gapura Brandenburg, minangka simbul Unifikasi Jerman 25 taun. Meursault2004ngobrol 5 Oktober 2015 14.51 (UTC)Wangsuli
Barkas:Makkah Royal Hotel Clock Tower (5818542567).jpg
. Gambar Hotel Royal ing Mekkah? Gandhèngan kalih Idul Adha. Meursault2004ngobrol 5 Oktober 2015 15.07 (UTC)Wangsuli

Sarujuk mas.Pras (pirembagan) 5 Oktober 2015 15.18 (UTC)Wangsuli

Siap pak. Meursault2004ngobrol 5 Oktober 2015 15.53 (UTC)Wangsuli



Pak Pras, kula cobi damel sitenotice kanggé wiki mrebawani, sumangga dipun leresaken. blas dèrèng naté damel wara2. ang pirembagan

Sumangga ki Anggoro. 25 Desember 2015 23.47 (UTC)

Matur nuwun


Matur nuwun, nggih Pak Pras, sampun kersa mbiji artikelipun kanca-kanca. Cahyo Ramadhani rembugan 24 Agustus 2016 02.55 (UTC)Wangsuli

Layang panyuwun minangka juri Wiki Mrebawani II


Sugeng siyang Pak Pras, sumugi Pak Pras tansah pinaringan senggang.

Kula makili panitya Wiki Mrebawani II lumantar layang punika nyuwun pambiyantu supados Pak Pras saged minangka juri ing pasanggiri punika. Ingkang kedah Pak Pras damel mangkih sami kados ing pasanggiri Wiki Mrebawani taun kapengker, inggih punika mbiji artikel-artikel ingkang dipunkempalaken panyarta adhedhasar saé-botenipun leléwaning basa (gaya bahasa) artikel ingkang kakempalaken sarana angka 0 ngantos 100.

Saben panyarta badhé ngempalaken 4 artikel sampurna ingkang wewatonipun kapacak ing riki. Artikel ingkang kedah Pak Pras biji wonten ing kaca punika. Pak Pras mangkih mbiji ing kolem Biji saking Juri 2 lan sampun kesupèn nilar tapak asma ing kolem candhakipun Tapak Asmanipun Juri 2. Bokbilih saged, Pak Pras saged miwiti mbiji punika ing minggu punika dumugi 15 Sèptèmber 2017 ing minggu ngajeng. Matur nuwun awit kawigatosanipun.

Rahayu, Wirjadisastra (rembugan) 4 Sèptèmber 2017 04.43 (UTC)Wangsuli

I see you created the article Politèknik ATMI Surakarta. Unlike you, I speak only English and was unable to place the fine logo on the Indonesian site. You'll find in the infobox of Politèknik ATMI Surakarta the name of the logo I created for the English version of this article, should you wish to place it in the infobox. Jzsj (English Wiki)

Hibah Saraswati (Wikimedia Indonesia)


Halo Pras

Perkenalkan, saya Hillun dari Wikimedia Indonesia. Saat ini Wikimedia Indonesia sedang membuka pendaftaran untuk hibah Saraswati. Saraswati adalah proyek kerja sama antara Wikimedia Foundation, Google, dan Wikimedia Indonesia untuk mendukung peningkatan konten di Wikipedia.

Tersedia 47 laptop dan 100 paket internet yang akan diberikan kepada penerima hibah. Informasi lebih detail mengenai hibah bisa dilihat di

Silakan mendaftar
Hillun Vilayl Napis (rembugan) 8 Novèmber 2019 08.42 (UTC)Wangsuli

Your advanced permissions on jv.wikipedia


Hello. A policy regarding the removal of "advanced rights" (administrator, bureaucrat, etc.) was adopted by community consensus in 2013. According to this policy, the stewards are reviewing activity on wikis with no inactivity policy.

You meet the inactivity criteria (no edits and no log actions for 2 years) on this wiki. Since this wiki, to the best of our knowledge, does not have its own rights review process, the global one applies.

If you want to keep your advanced permissions, you should inform the community of the wiki about the fact that the stewards have sent you this information about your inactivity. A community notice about this process has been also posted on the local Village Pump of this wiki. If the community has a discussion about it and then wants you to keep your rights, please contact the stewards at the m:Stewards' noticeboard, and link to the discussion of the local community, where they express their wish to continue to maintain the rights.

If you wish to resign your rights, please request removal of your rights on Meta.

If there is no response at all after one month, stewards will proceed to remove your administrator and/or bureaucrat rights. In ambiguous cases, stewards will evaluate the responses and will refer a decision back to the local community for their comment and review. If you have any questions, please contact the stewards.

Yours faithfully.--علاء (rembugan) 7 Januari 2020 19.41 (UTC)Wangsuli

Today I removed your permissions, thanks for your work, Einsbor (rembugan) 12 Fèbruari 2020 10.57 (UTC)Wangsuli

Translation request



Can you translate and upload the article id:Geografi Azerbaijan in Javanese Wikipedia?

Yours sincerely, Multituberculata (rembugan) 24 Juni 2021 16.22 (UTC)Wangsuli

Can you help me correct an article?


Hello @Pras:, I wrote the draft of an article, concerning a well-known Italian artist I used the automatic translator and I need someone to correct the text. Can you help me? Thank you so much for your help, --BarbaraLuciano13 (rembugan) 26 Juni 2021 00.37 (UTC)Wangsuli


You have been a medical translators within Wikipedia. We have recently relaunched our efforts and invite you to join the new process. Let me know if you have questions. Best Doc James (talk · contribs · email) 12:34, 13 August 2023 (UTC)